We are proud to conduct a project focused on support to independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process and specifically the obstacles in the key Chapters 23 and 24 which is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.
The project is focused on the issue of progress (or rather lack of it) in crucial Chapters 23 and 24 of the Serbia’s EU integration process. These chapters represent the core of development of democracy, transparency, respect for human and civil rights and freedoms and thus are of key importance for political and social transformation of the country. Simultaneously, the project reflects the worsening state of media freedom in Serbia, repeatedly and frequently warned about by local, regional and international nongovernmental organizations, and increased obstacles and even threats for independent journalists in Serbia. The project aims to support these independent journalists in their work on reporting on the EU integration of Serbia and reporting on the insufficient progress in the field of freedoms and democracy which are the key areas for the country’s transformation and EU path. The initial study trip of a group of journalists to the Czech Republic will not only help to specify the requirements for the outputs in the next phase of the project and create a detailed plan and schedule of activities but also to enhance the awareness of Serbia’s EU integration progress and current state in the area of Chapters 23 and 24 among relevant actors and expert community and public in the Czech Republic. During the project, at least 10 journal articles focused on the issues under Chapters 23 and 24 and their impact on Serbia’s EU integration will be published in cooperation with the europeanwesternbalkans.com platform. The project implementation will be concluded with a public event in Belgrade.
Goals of the project:
Outcomes and activities:
Outcome 1.1 Three-day journalists study trip to the Czech Republic (February-March 2019)
The study trip will be organized at the beginning of the project implementation and will be focused on discussion of ways how to cover the particular issues of the integration process and on contacts with Czech journalists reporting on EU in the Czech Republic who will share their experience. The study trip will be beneficial also for increasing the awareness about Serbia’s EU integration process in the Czech Republic.
During the study trip, a seminar will take place where particular topics and issues in the scope of the Chapters 23 and 24 will be identified as the focus for the articles/analyses published in the project. The discussion with Czech journalists will help to reflect not only on Czech experience with the integration process but also on the experience with our membership in the EU. During the study trip, standards for the second (writing) phase of the project and the work of the journalist team will be agreed upon – identification of the exact issues/questions covered by the articles, standards for the publication process (editing, factchecking), schedule of the publications etc.
The selection of the Serbian journalists participating in the study trip will reflect the regional composition of Serbia in order to cover not only various political topics and issues but also the various regions of Serbia and the impacts of the integration process there. The journalists will be selected in a joint process between the Czech and Serbian partner.
Activity 1.1.1 Identification and selection of the project participants (journalists)
Activity 1.1.2 Methodological and logistical preparation of the study trip
Activity 1.1.3 Organization of the study seminar
Activity 1.1.4 Evaluation of the seminar
Output 2.1 10 publications focused on Serbia’s integration process (March-November 2019)
Reporting on progress of the integration process through regular publication of analyses/articles – one longer analysis (up to 10 pages) and one shorter follow-up article (up to 3 pages). Altogether, in the scope of the project, 5 longer analyses and 5 shorter articles focused on the key aspects of the progress in Chapters 23 and 24 will be published.
The outputs will be published on europeanwesternbalkans.com and they will be written in Serbian, the longer analyses will then be translated to English.
July 2019
September 2019
October 2019
November 2019
December 2019
Activity 2.1.1 Setting of the publishing schedule
Activity 2.1.2 Writing, editing and publication of analyses/articles
Activity 2.1.3 Promotion of analyses/articles
Output 2.2 Public debate in Serbia (October-December 2019)
The public debate will be held in the final stage of the project and will focus on key findings of the published analyses/articles. The event will take place in Belgrade and will be held in Serbian language. The journalists involved in the project will be the speakers at the event. The organizers will aim at participation of at least 40 representatives of the expert community and general public.
Activity 2.2.1 Methodological and logistical preparation of the event
Activity 2.2.2 Organization of the event
Activity 2.2.3 Evaluation of the event
Output 3.1 Expert roundtable in the Czech Republic (February-March 2019)
The roundtable will be held in Prague with the participation of the experts, representatives from the relevant ministries and/or government and political parties’ representatives. The roundtable will be organized during the study trip to ensure participation of the Serbian journalists. Its aim will be to increase awareness about the substance of Serbia’s integration process and the problematic issues hindering its progress.
Activity 3.1.1 Methodological and logistical preparation of the roundtable
Activity 3.1.2 Organization of the roundtable
Activity 3.1.3 Evaluation of the roundtable
Output 3.2 Final policy paper (October-December 2019)
The policy paper will be published in English and will focus on evaluation of the development of Serbia’s integration process based on the articles published in the scope of the project. The policy paper will be further focused on Czech foreign policy towards EU enlargement to the Western Balkans. The policy paper will be up to 15 pages long and will be published on EUROPEUM’s and Serbian partner’s website and promoted in their networks.
Activity 3.2.1 Research and collection of sources for the policy paper
Activity 3.2.2 Writing and editing of the policy paper
Activity 3.2.3 Publication and promotion of the policy paper
#project #TRANS #journalists #journalism #study tripExpertise: regionalism, Visegrad cooperation, democratization and European integration of the Western Balkan countries, EU enlargement