Projekt je zaměřen na zkoumání role nevládních organizací v procesu dekarbonizace uhelných regionů v zemích V4 (Česká republika, Maďarsko, Polsko, Slovensko). Cílem projektu je popsat nejlepší a nejhorší praxi jednotlivých procesů pro Srbsko, které čeká transformace jeho energetického mixu založeného z velké části na uhlí. Zkoumané země V4 mají mírně odlišný podíl uhlí ve svém energetickém mixu, přičemž největší je v Polsku a druhý největší v České republice, následuje Maďarsko a Slovensko. V jejich přístupu k dekarbonizaci existuje mnoho podobností i rozdílů, a poskytují tak různou škálu zkušeností.

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ČT24: The election result sends a signal about the pro-Western direction of the Czech Republic

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, appeared on Czech Television to comment on the reaction of Brussels to the results of the presidential elections. He also mentioned the role of the president in relation to the EU and NATO and how this relationship will change after two terms of Miloš Zeman.

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BLOG | “A Close Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Relative” - Belt and Road Initiative: Are We Closer After 10 Years?

In 2013, the Chinese president introduced the New Silk Road project, also known as the Belt and Road Initiative. It was to connect China with countries in Central Asia, the Middle East, Europe and maritime regions with the purpose to coordinate policies and link infrastructure. However, the initiative, and especially China's role in it, raises many questions and doubts. What is its future? This is what our intern Šárka Váchalová discusses in her blog.

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BLOG | “A Close Neighbor Is Better Than a Distant Relative” - Belt and Road Initiative: Are We Closer After 10 Years?

Čínský prezident v roce 2013 představil projekt Nové Hedvábné stezky, známý též pod názvem Pás a stezka. Měla spojit Čínu se zeměmi Střední Asie, Blízkého východu, Evropy a námořními oblastmi za účelem koordinace politik a propojení infrastruktury. Nicméně iniciativa, a především role Číny v ní, budí mnoho otázek a pochybností. Jaká je její budoucnost? Tím se ve svém blogu zabývá naše stážistka Šárka Váchalová.

Show more Cheap electromobility has been pushed back by Brussels. Batteries must be eco

Electric cars that do not emit dangerous emissions should slowly replace cars with combustion engines. An environmentally friendly replacement. But what about the production of their batteries? According to the EU, the entire life cycle of these batteries should be environmentally friendly, from production to use to disposal. What measures will be introduced, how will the sale of batteries be regulated and how will this affect their price? Our research fellow Michal Hrubý comments on the topic.

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ČTK: Czechia has consistently fulfilled its role as presiding country, Brussels experts say

Lots of good work, successful, excellent. These are also the terms used by analysts working in Brussels to assess the end of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. In interviews with ČTK, a trio of experts, including the head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, praised the way the Czech Republic has approached directing the debates between the member states.

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Český rozhlas: Czech households and companies are failing to save on electricity compared to gas

While businesses and households can save gas, they are not doing so with electricity. Why is that? A study on this topic has been produced and commented on by its co-author and our researcher Michal Hrubý for the Czech Radio stations ČRo Plus and Radiožurnál.

Show more The inclusion of natural gas and nuclear as supported resources through the EU taxonomy was pragmatic

Our researcher Michal Hrubý wrote an article on ESG and natural gas for the magazine He comments on the current development of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance), including the role of taxonomy and natural gas as a basic commodity for industry and households.

Show more Zařazení zemního plynu a jádra jako podporovaných zdrojů skrze taxonomii bylo pragmatické

Náš výzkumný pracovník Michal Hrubý napsal úvahu na téma ESG a zemní plyn do časopisu V článku komentuje aktuální vývoj ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance neboli kritéria pro udržitelné investování) včetně role taxonomie a zemního plynu jako základní komodity průmyslu i domácností.

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Energie bez emisí: The decline of fossil fuels is clear, the biggest challenge is to solve raw material dependence

Our researcher Michal Hrubý was a guest on the Energy Without Emissions podcast. He answers questions on issues such as current energy prices and their possible future development, what impact climate change will have on industry, what is the state's strategy or how the state is approaching the situation.

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