Third year | Decarbonisation of the Czech automotive industry

The climate team of EUROPEUM is currently delivering the 3rd year of its project focused on the decarbonisation of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic. We want to build upon our experience and move this work forward with a more targeted approach. We will focus on three main areas, which we have identified as crucial parts of the puzzle for transitioning to cleaner modes of transport.

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ČRo Plus: According to the German Chancellor, Ukraine or Moldova belong in the European Union...

According to the German Chancellor, Ukraine and Moldova belong to the European Union. According to Olaf Scholz, this is in the direct interest of the EU-27. Europe Day is celebrated on 9 May. On 9 May 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman made a declaration that became the basis for peaceful cooperation between European countries. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented on this topic, including Ukraine's accession to the European Union.

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REPORT | EU-PACIFIC TALKS: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes

Demographic developments – the “greying” of society – remain an issue across the first world; in Europe, the expansion of the welfare state and elevated standards of services has put increasing demands on productivity to maintain the prosperity that has become an integral part of the societal contract.

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REPORT | EU-PACIFIC TALKS: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes

Demografický vývoj - "šednutí" společnosti - zůstává problémem v celém prvním světě; v Evropě rozšiřování sociálního státu a zvyšování úrovně služeb klade stále větší nároky na produktivitu, aby se udržela prosperita, která se stala nedílnou součástí společenské smlouvy. Píše Kristýna Chlebáková v reportu z události "EU-PACIFIC TALKS: Europe and the Indo-Pacific: Migration and demographic changes".

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BLOG | Injecting the objectives of the European Green Deal into the EU’s Arctic strategy

As noted in previous posts, the Arctic has received considerable attention in the past decade due to climate change, economic opportunities, and the growing military presence in the region. As a result of this trend, shifts in Arctic security dynamics are occurring. What is the future role of the EU in this changing geopolitical environment? Zsanett Gréta Papp asks this question in her blog.

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BLOG | Injecting the objectives of the European Green Deal into the EU’s Arctic strategy

Jak bylo uvedeno v předchozích příspěvcích, Arktidě byla v posledním desetiletí věnována značná pozornost v souvislosti se změnou klimatu, ekonomickými příležitostmi a rostoucí vojenskou přítomností v regionu. V důsledku této tendence dochází k posunům v arktické bezpečnostní dynamice. Jaká je budoucí role EU v tomto měnícím se geopolitickém prostředí? Na tuto otázku se ptá Zsanett Gréta Papp ve svém blogu.

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Windsor framework and future EU-UK relations: Could personal diplomacy be the driving engine?

The United Kingdom has finally found common ground with the EU regarding the provisions of the Northern Ireland Protocol. The current British prime minister can take credit for what three prime ministers failed to do before. So does Britain's foreign policy stand on a shoulder of one man's personal connections? The question answered our Katřina Horáková in her blog.

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Rámec Windsoru a budoucí vztahy mezi EU a Spojeným královstvím: Mohla by být hnacím motorem osobní diplomacie?

Spojené království konečně našlo společnou řeč s EU ohledně ustanovení Severoirského protokolu. Současný britský premiér si může připsat zásluhy za to, co před ním nedokázali tři premiéři. Stojí tedy britská zahraniční politika na rameni osobních konexí jednoho muže? Odpověď napsal naše Kateřina Horáková ve svém blogu.

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Read the report from the debate "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", which took place on 27 March in Brussels.

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REPORT | Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Přečtěte si report z debaty "Shaping Our Digital Future: tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe", která proběhla 27. března v Bruselu.

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