(Dis)United towards a common goal: Can Democrats produce a candidate capable of defeating Donald Trump?

In his latest blog post, Žiga Faktor focused on the Democratic primaries ahead of this year's United States presidential election.

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Policy paper: The future of EU Finances: New Own Resources

Markéta Mlčúchová published a policy paper about the reform of EU's budget – and especially its income side – using tools such as Common Consolidated Corporate Taxes, non-recycled plastic packaging waste tax or income from European Emissions Trading System (ETS) auctions.

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INVITATION: The new European Commission – What to expect?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''The new European Commission – What to expect?''. The event will take place on October 9th at 3 PM in the European House.

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Trump has reached a new low

Latest blog by our Christian K. Lassen stresses how ludicrous and insulting was Donald Trump's proposal to buy Greenland.

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Free trade agreement EU-MERCOSUR: Essence, challenges and expectations

In the latest blog, Helder Hermani explores the EU-MERCOSUR free trade agreement.

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Support to independent reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process with focus on the Chapters 23 and 24

We are proud to conduct a project focused on support to independent Serbian journalists reporting on Serbia’s EU integration process and specifically the obstacles in the key Chapters 23 and 24 which is supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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POLICY PAPER: Reconciliation in the Western Balkans: Overcoming the past together

Gentiola Madhi, Jana Juzová, Tomáš Strážay, Adam Balcer, Jelica Minić and Nikolett Garai authored a policy paper on the topic of reconciliation in the Western Balkans.

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Commentary: Summit in Sibiu

Vladimír Bartovic, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Louis Cox-Brusseau, Vít Havelka and Kateřina Davidová reacted to the Summit in Sibiu 2019.

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Commentary: EUCO Meeting in March 2019

Martin Michelot, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to the EUCO Meeting held in March 2019.

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Essays: The Prague Spring and the 1968 Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in an international context

Rick Fawn, Andrea Petö, Zuzana Poláčková and Michal Vít authored, as a follow-up to our conference ''The Prague Spring and the 1968 Warsaw Pact Invasion of Czechoslovakia in an international context'', a series of essays that are now available.

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