Policy Paper: Czech-Russian Escalation as a Case of Deeper EU-Russia Crisis: Time for a United and Credible Action

Pavel Havlíček, an analyst at the AMO Research Centre, has written a policy paper for our Brussels office on the Czech-Russian escalation as a case of a deeper crisis between the EU and Russia. In his article, he also makes recommendations for the European Union. The text was written during a research stay in Brussels, which was facilitated by our Brussels office with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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Eastern Monitor: Great Power dynamics in the Taiwan straits: What lies ahead?

In the last Eastern Monitor, Michal Beneš focused on the dynamic conflict between the great powers in the Taiwan Strait. He focused on what might await us in the future. The text doesn't aim to find a solution to this complex conflict but instead presents several possible future scenarios to its readers.

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Policy Paper: New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4

In his policy paper "New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4", written in cooperation with the Think Visegrad think tank, Juraj Sýkora, a Junior Researcher at SFPA, analyses the current state of nuclear arms control, the New START Treaty, what it contains and who it concerns. The policy paper also analyses the prospects until 2026, when the extension of the Treaty expires.

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Radio Slovensko: Poland faces millions in sanctions for the activities of a committee that decides on the prosecution of judges and prosecutors

The director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy Vladimír Bartovic commented on the conflict between Brussels and Warsaw in a case of a violation of European law in the matter of criminal prosecution of judges and prosecutors. Therefore Poland faces heavy financial penalties.

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Česká televize: Fight for Agrofert

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on the conflict of interest of Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babiš in connection with the misuse of EU funds.

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CRO Plus: Hungary has two months to change the law on NGO funding

The director of our institute, Vladimir Bartovic, commented on the problematic Hungarian law, which requires special registration from foreign NGOs. According to the European Court of Justice, this is in conflict with EU legislation.

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POLICY BRIEF: Implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

In her brief, Aneta Navrátilová writes about the implications of the 2020 US Presidential Election on the EU and Czech Climate Policy

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Kristeligt Dagblad: Poland and Hungary on course for defeat in EU conflict

Christian Kvorning Lassen, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy commented on the current situation concerning negotiations of the European budget and vetos from Hungary and Poland for Danish newspaper Kristeligt Dagblad.

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On the New Pact on Migration and Asylum proposal: Looking for solidarity

Kristina Gera wrote a blog post about the new European Commission proposal concerning migration.

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The progressing integration of the EU in security affairs: European Peace Facility

In his blog post, our intern Vojtěch Freitag discusses the progressing integration of the EU in security affairs: European Peace Facility.

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