REPORT: Seminar "Foreign Policy and Trade under Trump's Presidency: What's Next for the Transatlantic Relations?"

On 23 February our Tereza Novotna together with the London School of Economics organised a seminar on the topic of foreign policy and trade under Trump's presidency. The report is now available.

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Debunking the right-wing myths about Sweden

Christian Kvorning Lassen debunks, in his latest blog, right-wing myths about Sweden's criminality as a reaction to Donald Trump's recent statements and in light of some right-wing politicians' claims.

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Central Europe and the rise of nationalism

Our Michal Vít contributed to the Barcelona Centre for International Affairs' publication titled Illiberal Democracies in the EU: the Visegrad Group and the Risk of Disintegration with a chapter on the broader context of political development of the V4 region in the light of the immigration crisis of 2015 and 2016.

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How complaining doesn’t explain the world

Our Head of Research Martin Michelot joins the V4 revue's debate on ‪#‎humansonthemove‬ writing about the changing atmosphere in the Czech Republic: about complaining, solidarity and responsibility.

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A View from Central Europe: Will the EU deal with Turkey work?

Slovak think-tank CEPI in its project coordinated by EUROPEUM has asked experts on their opinion on the EU-Turkey deal.

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Another challenge for Europe: Fighting irregular warfare & exploitation of the NSAs

Europe, specifically the European Union, is now facing more pressing challenges than ever. Read a blog by Matthieu Crévecoeur in which he emphasizes the importance of staying united on both domestic and European level.

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Project Visegrad in the EU - How Much Do We Matter?

We are launching a new project "Visegrad in the EU - How much do we matter?" under the leadership of EUROPEUM's director Vladimír Bartovic.

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Three myths about refugees, immigrants and the European refugee crisis

The refugee crisis has highlighted hitherto latent divisions within the EU, particularly amongst the V4 countries and Western Europe. The division is, at first glance, rooted in fundamentally differing perceptions of the crisis, giving rise to several myths whose veracity merits questioning. This blog will seek to challenge three of the most popular misconceptions about the refugee crisis.

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Immigration in the V4

Roundtable debate on "Immigration in the V4".

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Profit or perish? Hungary and the Czech Republic’s response to the refugee crisis

How politicians in the Czech Republic and Hungary react on the migration crisis? A what myths are currently related to migration in those countries? New blog by Christian Kvorning Lassen.

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