RTVS | Proposal for the position of Commissioner for Defense

The current President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, proposes the creation of a new position: Commissioner for Defense in the future Commission. Is this proposal feasible? When could this position be established? And who would fill it? How would enhanced EU defense operate alongside NATO was addressed by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, in a commentary for the Slovak television RTVS.

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Policy Paper | 20 years of cohesion policy as a "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"?

It has been 20 years since the Czech Republic and 9 other Central, Southern and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. This was on the promise of increased prosperity and the so-called economic catching-up of the post-communist part of Europe. Cohesion policy was to play a key role here. Vít Havelka writes in his Policy Paper.

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CNN Prima News | Two plenary session locations of the European Parliament

The MEPs discussed the difficulty of changing the seat of the European Parliament, which periodically moves from Belgium to France. Most agreed that they would welcome if this movement was canceled. However, France would probably veto such a change in the treaties. What are the arguments for and against moving the European Parliament periodically? Is there any way out of this problem, or will Strasbourg's role remain the same for decades to come? Martin Vokálek, Director of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for CNN Prima News on the issue.

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CNN Prima News | Dvojí sídlo Evropského parlamentu

Europoslanci na plénu diskutovali o náročném střídání sídla Evropského parlamentu, který se pravidelně stěhuje z Belgie do Francie. Většina se jich shodla, že by uvítali zrušení tohoto stěhování. Francie by však takovouto změnu smluv nejspíš vetovala. Jaké jsou argumenty pro a proti pravidelnému přesouvání Evropského parlamentu? Existuje nějaké východisko tohoto problému nebo role Štrasburku zůstane i v dalších desetiletích stejná? Problematiku pro CNN Prima News komentoval Martin Vokálek, ředitel Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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ČT24 | Northern Macedonia elects new head of state

Polls opened in North Macedonia on Wednesday for the first round of the presidential elections. Seven candidates are running for the presidency in a country gripped by political tensions, disappointment with democratic reforms and aspirations to join the European Union. Jana Juzová, a senior researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, analysed the situation in an interview for ČT24.

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ČT 24 | Severní Makedonie volí novou hlavu státu

V Severní Makedonii se ve středu otevřely volební místnosti v prvním kole prezidentských voleb. O prezidentský post se v zemi zmítané politickým napětím, zklamáním z demokratických reforem, ale i aspiracemi na vstup do Evropské unie, uchází hned sedm kandidátů. Situaci rozebírala v rozhovoru pro ČT24 seniorní výzkumná pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM Jana Juzová.

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BalkanInsight | Far from Czexit but Czechs are Still Sceptics

This year the Czech Republic celebrates 20 years since joining the European Union. Czechs are very sceptical about the EU, despite the fact that about 70 percent acknowledge that the Czech Republic benefits from EU membership and would vote to remain. Sceptical perceptions of the Union could be changed by the country's new pro-European leadership. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this topic for BalkanInsight.

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BalkanInsight | Češi už nechtějí vystoupit z EU, euroskepticismus ale přetrvává

Česko letos slaví 20 let od vstupu do Evropské unie. Češi jsou k Evropské unii velmi skeptičtí a to i přesto, že zhruba 70 procent dotázaných uznává, že Česko profituje z členství v EU a hlasovalo by pro setrvání v bloku. Skeptické vnímání Unie by mohlo změnit nové proevropské vedení země. Pro BalkanInsight téma komentoval Žiga Faktor, vedoucí bruselské kanceláře a zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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TV Nova | Russian Interference in European Elections

Russia has a significant interest in influencing European elections, which raises awareness in the European Parliament. The issue of Russia's interference will also be addressed in the plenary session. Measures such as restricting visits to the Parliament building or holding events on its premises are being considered. Nevertheless, member states still play a crucial role in foreign and security policy of EU, as commented Jonáš Syrovátka, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, for main evening news broadcast on TV Nova.

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ČT24 | The role of MEPs in the eyes of Czech citizens

Interest in the European Parliament elections remains low, and increased turnout is not expected this year either. The Czech perception of the European Union is partly shaped by political expressions, influencing a rather eurosceptic public perception. Although Czech MEPs have the potential to contribute significantly within the Parliament, the public has only limited awareness of their work and influence. Speculations about future positions within the ECR faction and possible commissioner positions are still premature. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, opened these topics on the evening broadcast 90’ on ČT24.

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