WP Wiadomości: Wybory prezydenckie we Francji. Kampania umoczonych

Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article about the French presidential elections on WP Wiadomości.

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France24: It's a family affair: France 2017 frontrunner Fillon denies phoney job claim

Our Martin Michelot discussed the implications of Fillon's family affair on France 24's daily debate.

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German Marshall Fund: What to Watch in 2017

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot featured, among other experts, in the ''GMF Experts Name the Issues That Will Define the Year'' with his contribution ''France: Navel-Gazing Has Just Begun''.

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Denník N: Germans and Brits set the alarm bells ringing - Russia seeks to shake our democracy

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot spoke to Slovak Denník N about the Russian influence in the EU countries growing stronger.

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Foreign Policy: Au Revoir, Hollande

Our Martin Michelot contributed to Foreign Policy's ''Au Revoir, Hollande'' article following the announcement of the French President to not run for reelection in next year's presidential race.

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WP Wiadomości: François Fillon as a French republican primaries favourite

Polish WP Wiadomości spoke to our Deputy Director Martin Michelot about the results of Sunday primaries' first round, drawing closer the decision on who will be representing the right-wing conservative Les Républicains in the French presidential race.

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RTVS: French presidential primaries

Our deputy director Martin Michelot talked to Radio Slovensko RTVS about the provisional results of the first round of French center-right presidential primaries.

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