POLICY BRIEF: French presidency of the EU and Strategic Compass: More EU military missions to come?

Our researcher Vojtěch Freitag, in his article "French presidency of the EU and Strategic Compass: More EU military missions to come?", writes about France and its presidency of the European Union. France has put forward its vision of the next year EU agenda with a strong emphasis on EU sovereignty.

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Policy Paper: V4 in Brussels – A reality check of the international perspective on Visegrad cooperation

Peter Stepper, Senior Research Fellow, Head of Euroatlantic Program for Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade wrote a policy paper titled "V4 in Brussels – A reality check of the international perspective on Visegrad cooperation".

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INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

We would like to invite you to the third of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Wednesday 1 December at 18:00 and you can watch the online stream on our Facebook page.

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POZVÁNKA: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na třetí ze šesti debat v rámci cyklu EU-PACIFIC Talks. Debata se uskuteční online ve středu 1. prosince v 18:00 a sledovat ji můžete na našem Facebooku.

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Podcasts by EUROPEUM

Podcasts by EUROPEUM offer debates and interviews concerning European topics including projects Prague Climate Talks, EU±, and EU-Pacific Talks. You can find a full list of episodes and information on where to listen to the podcast is available in an article.

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Podcasts by EUROPEUM

Podcasts by EUROPEUM nabízí debaty a rozhovory na evropská témata zahrnující projekty Prague Climate Talks, EU± a EU-Pacific Talks. Seznam epizod a informace o tom, kde si podcast můžete pustit, najdete v článku.

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EU – Pacific Talks

The debates will be organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. This series of debates aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, state officials and academia to discuss the most up – to date topics including the global actors as China and the United States. Over the course of 6 months, the most tempting issues will be on the table, such as growing influence of China, climate agenda, economic relations or the United States new administration.

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EU – Pacific Talks

Debaty pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Cílem této série debat je spojit odborníky, zúčastněné strany, státní úředníky a akademickou obec a diskutovat o nejaktuálnějších tématech, včetně globálních aktérů, jako jsou Čína a Spojené státy. V průběhu šesti měsíců budou na stole nejlákavější témata, jako je rostoucí vliv Číny, klimatická agenda, ekonomické vztahy nebo nová administrativa Spojených států.

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INVITATION: Strengthening the transatlantic relationship in response to geopolitical challengers - Russia and China

We invite you to an online debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy as a part of Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) and with support of International Visegrad Fund. The debate will take place online on June 7 from 17:30 on our Facebook.

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INVITATION: Rethinking and strengthening NATO - how to prepare the Alliance for the future?

We invite you to an online debate organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy as a part of Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) and with support of International Visegrad Fund. The debate will take place online on April 27 from 17:30 on our Facebook.

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EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy
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tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org