Czechs and the EU Brand: How do Czechs feel about the EU and what could change their mind?

This study is mainly based on a series of 12 brief surveys by Behavio research agency and on longitudinal research by STEM Institute for Empirical Research. The expert’s inputs were provided by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy.

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CT24: Brand and position of the V4 in the EU

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková was a guest of Thursday afternoon Události a komentáře CT24. The subject of her commentary was the brand and position of the V4 in the EU.

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POLICY PAPER: Challenges in the Transatlantic Partnership: Are We Drifting Apart?

During November 2019, EUROPEUM co-organized the second Transatlantic Policy Forum along with CEPA, a leading US think-tank. The private roundtable provided a unique opportunity for candid and open discussion about the issues that are at the heart of transatlantic cooperation. Our research fellow Martin Michelot concluded a debrief and analysis of these debates.

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INVITATION: Reconciliation in Visegrad and the Western Balkans: Overcoming the Past Together

We would like to cordially invite you to an event organized by the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and partners in the project “From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together”, supported by the International Visegrad Fund. The event takes place on Monday, 20th of January 2020 from 3.45 PM in Hotel Leopold, Brussels (Rue du Luxembourg 35, 1050 Ixelles, Brussels).

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Green Deal for Europe: Can big dreams be translated into reality?

Our Kateřina Davidová analyzes, in her latest blog, the state of the affairs of the Green Deal for Europe.

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EU MONITOR: The EU invests very little in culture but the results are visible

The European Commission proposed in May 2018 to continue implementing the Creative Europe programme even more in the next budgetary period 2021-2027. This problematics is the main topic of Karel Barták's latest EU Monitor.

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INVITATION: EU± // Budget of the European Union

The issue of the European Union's budget for the 2021-27 period has been a major topic over the past few weeks. At what stage are the negotiations now? What are the biggest disputes? What does the Czech Republic want to put across? This will be the focus of the next EU ± debate, which will take place on Thursday, January 23.

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ČRo Plus: EU summit in Brussels

Our Vladimír Bartovic, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, dealt with questions on the topic of the Brussels summit and the carbon neutrality regime in the EU in the interview for ČRo Plus.

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Hospodářské noviny: Babiš goes to Brussels to fight for billions. Don't tell us how to use them, he says to the EU

The European Commission, together with the leaders of the EU Member States, is negotiating the future form of the budget for the 2021-2027 period. Our Vít Havelka commented for Hospodářské noviny on the issue of the Commission's priorities and the reduction of subsidies for the Czech Republic.

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ČRo Plus: Is the North Atlantic Alliance in a state of brain death, as French President Macron claims?

The North Atlantic Alliance has been operating for 70 years and continued support for collective defense commitments has been confirmed at the London Summit by leaders of all its Member States. The questioning came from French President Macron. This issue was elaborated by our Louis Cox-Brusseau in an interview for ČRo Plus.

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