EU MONITOR: Conference on the Future of Europe has started, questions remain
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24. 5. 2021
In the new EU MONITOR, our Associate Research Fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková writes, for example, what is the final structure and what topics will be discussed at the Conference on the Future of Europe.

EU MONITOR: The EU’s military engagement in Central Mediterranean – Migrant crisis and arms embargo intertwined
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13. 4. 2021
In the new EU Monitor Vojtěch Freitag writes about the ongoing EU’s military mission in the Central Mediterranean Sea called EUNAVFOR MED Irini. The article attempts to overview, critically reflect and present recommendations for the issues connected to it.

EU MONITOR: Is EU leading the way to becoming a global change in business and human rights?
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29. 3. 2021
In the latest EU Monitor Leonor Tavares examines how human rights issues are reflected in the European Union's negotiations and what kind of development could be expected in this area.

EU MONITOR: Conference on the Future of Europe – another victim of the COVID-19?
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7. 8. 2020
EUROPEUM's associate research fellow Zuzana Stuchlíková describes the impact of COVID-19 on the Conference on the Future of Europe in her EU Monitor.

EU MONITOR: The new Slovak government: An exemplary to the rest of the V4 amidst global crises?
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24. 7. 2020
The new direction of the Slovak political scene and the significance of this development within the Visegrad region: that is the topic our Miroslava Pěčková deals with in her latest EU Monitor.

EU MONITOR: Backsliding of democracy in Slovenia under right-wing populist Janez Janša
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27. 4. 2020
In his latest EU Monitor, Žiga Faktor examines the backsliding of democracy in Slovenia during the COVID-19 pandemic.

EU MONITOR: French lessons in Africa: An assessment of three key military capabilities for European defence
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16. 4. 2020
In his latest EU monitor, Adrian Blazquez examines the the European cooperation in the Sahel strip.

EU MONITOR: Czechs and the Post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework
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3. 4. 2020
In his latest EU monitor, Vít Havelka examines the attitude of the general Czech public towards the new EU Multiannual Financial Framework.

EU MONITOR: Czech Perception of the EU Defence Policy
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2. 4. 2020
In his latest EU monitor, Vít Havelka explores EU Defence Policy from Czech point of view.

EU MONITOR: Examining Central and Eastern Europe’s Climate Policy through a Security Lens
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30. 3. 2020
In her latest EU monitor, Danielle Piatkiewicz explores Central and Eastern Europe’s Climate Policy through a Security Lens

EU MONITOR: Brexit, now what? Examining the future of Central and Eastern European security post-Brexit
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3. 2. 2020
In her latest EU monitor, Danielle Piatkiewicz explores the future of Central and Eastern European security after Brexit.

EU MONITOR: Has the time come for a Czech Regional Policy?
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17. 1. 2020
Over the past 5 years, the Czech Republic has experienced unprecedented GDP growth, moving the country from 83% of EU average GDP in 2013 to 91% of the EU average GDP in 2019. At the same time, the Czech wage increased by more than 7% in 2013 in the last three years. This phenomenon is addressed by our Vít Havelka in the latest issue of the EU Monitor.