INVITATION: Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics

We are proud to present the first event from our pilot project Prague Climate Talks: Paris Agreement and changing geopolitics, which will take place on June 21st, 2017, at the European house.

Prague Climate Talks is a new project aimed at establishing a platform for continued high-level discussion on the complex issue of climate change. Throughout a series of debates it will bring together experts and professionals from varying relevant fields as well as members of the general public. 

The debate will analyze the impact of the changing geopolitical situation (following Britain’s vote to exit the EU, Trump’s unpredictable presidency etc.) on the future developments of the Paris Agreement and global efforts to mitigate climate change in general. Will the EU be able (and willing) to become the next frontrunner in international climate action or will China become the new reluctant leader? What will be the new opportunities and what could be the potential pitfalls?

Confirmed speakers:

  • Special guest: Benito Müller, Managing Director, Oxford Climate Policy, University of Oxford
  • Camilla Born, Policy Advisor, E3G (via Skype)
  • Helena Schulzová, Researcher, Faculty of Social Sociences of Charles University

The debate will be moderated by Klára Sutlovičová, Head of Climate and Energy Programme, Glopolis.

You can register here or contact us via

The event is also available on Facebook and you can download the invitation through the PDF button on the right.

The project is co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and Glopolis in cooperation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Prague and under the auspices of the UN Information Centre Prague.

#Prague Climate Talks #Paris Agreement #geopolitics #climate change #environmental policy

Kateřina Davidová
Senior Research Fellow

Expertise: EU climate and energy policy, environmental protection

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