Le Monde: Příští česká vláda v rukou komunistů

Vít Havelka byl citován v článku Le Monde o vytvoření vlády premiéra Andreje Babiše.

Some will see yet another provocation on the part of the Czech president. On Wednesday, June 27, the irascible Milos Zeman did not find it inappropriate to name the new government on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance, dedicated to the victims of the communist regime. However, the latter should be supported in Parliament, for the first time since 1989, by the very nostalgic Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (KSCM), the direct successor of the unpleasant Communist Party of the former Czechoslovakia. And this training did not deny anything of this heavy past, nor did it mea culpa.

Celý článek je dostupný (ve francouzštině) zde.

#Andrej Babis #česká vláda #česká politika

Vít Havelka
Seniorní výzkumný pracovník

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