POZVÁNKA: Café Evropa online: Život v on-line době – jak si vedeme v současné digitální transformaci?

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na další ze série debat Café Evropa, tentokrát na téma digitalizace v následku pandemie. Debatu organizuje Zastoupení Evropské komise v ČR, Kancelář Evropského parlamentu a Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM. Mediálním partnerem debaty je Deník.cz. Debata proběhne online 31. března od 18:00 na našem Facebooku a YouTube.

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Info.cz: Conference on the future of Europe as a game of citizen involvement

In an article for info.cz, Vít Havelka summarizes how current political and social problems affecting the popularity of the European Union have been reflected in the content of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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INVITATION: Challenges and Opportunities for European Security, NATO and Defence in Transatlantic Partnership; The Relationship with Russia and China

We kindly invite you to attend the conference concerning the european security after the crises. The debate is organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Institute for Politics and Society, Embassy of Portugal in The Czech Republic and CEVRO Institute.

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ČRo Plus: In the Western Balkans, there is a risk of increased influence of foreign participants

The director of our institute, Vladimir Bartovic, commented on the current situation in the Western Balkans. Interest in the countries is declining on the part of the EU due to the COVID-19 crisis, when the countries of the Western Balkans have to procure vaccines themselves.

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INVITATION: EU ± // Conference on the Future of Europe

We would like to invite you to another debate from the EU format ± on the topic of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The debate is organized with the support of Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at FSV UK and co-financed by the European Union's Europe for Citizens program. The event can be watched online on Wednesday, March 17 at 6 pm on our Facebook.

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EURACTIV: Czech Republic is failing to fulfill the goals of its climate strategy

Our research fellow Kateřina Davidová was a guest of the EURACTIV podcast. The podcast is focusing on the question of climate strategy and its fulfillment by the Czech Republic in comparison with other member states from the V4 and the EU.

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Přehled: Instituce Evropské unie – Komise, Parlament a Rady (1. část)

Přinášíme vám přehled o institucionální struktuře Evropské unie, o kompetencích a fungování jednotlivých unijních orgánů a o tom, jak mezi sebou jednotlivé instituce spolupracují. V článku se také dočtete, jak se mohou občané EU zapojit do unijního rozhodovacího procesu a jaká v tomto ohledu mají práva.

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INVITATION: Health Challenges in a post-Covid-19 World

The online conference organized in cooperation with the Embassy of the Portuguese Republic in Prague and the European Commission in the Czech Republic will address the very current issues of health and healthcare in the post-covid world. Special attention will be paid to investments in the healthcare sector and industry. The conference will take place on March 3 from 13:00 on our Facebook or on the Youtube channel of the European Commission in the Czech Republic.

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Info.cz: What is the Danish recipe for vaccination success? Trust and good planning

In an article for Info.cz, Vít Havelka writes about why Denmark is better at vaccinating the population than the Czech Republic.

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Info.cz: Czech (non) planning of the national recovery plan

In an article for Info.cz, Vít Havelka writes about the Czech national recovery plan.

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