INFO.CZ: The enlargement of the European Union is becoming a toxic topic. Can the summit of EU and Western Balkan leaders break the crisis?

For Slovenia, the enlargement of the European Union is currently the expected topic of the leaders' summit. The Western Balkans could be enriched by the EU, which is a priority mainly for Slovenia, as well as the Visegrad countries. However, some member States are critical of the expansion of the Union's circles.

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ČT24: European Union Summit: What is the plan for EU accession for Western Balkans?

Our researcher Jana Juzová commented on the situation regarding the EU Summit with the Western Balkans in Slovenia in the live broadcast of Studio ČT24. The topic of conversation is, among other things, the accession of the Western Balkans to the EU, its form and timeline.

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ČRo Plus: EU summit with Western Balkans in Slovenia – What is the current situation?

Jana Juzová, a researcher at our Institute, commented on the current situation around the EU Summit with the Western Balkans in Slovenia on Czech radio ČRo Plus. The comment was about how to approach the countries of the Western Balkans, which can potentially join the European Union, but also why the European Union counts on a model of gradual accession.

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EU – Pacific Talks

The debates will be organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy. This series of debates aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, state officials and academia to discuss the most up – to date topics including the global actors as China and the United States. Over the course of 6 months, the most tempting issues will be on the table, such as growing influence of China, climate agenda, economic relations or the United States new administration.

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EU Observer: Pandemic recovery spotlighted at the Prague European Summit 2021

An article by the Communications Manager of the Prague European Summit (PES) Michal Beneš and by our Communications Specialist Aneta Navrátilová describes the international event PES, which is co-organized by our Institute. This year focuses on Europe being Reborn, with an aim to provide a broad platform for debate about the most pressing challenges of the post-pandemic renewal.

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EU Observer: Obnova po pandemii zdůrazněna na Prague European Summit 2021

Článek od komunikačního manažera Prague European Summit (PES) Michala Beneše a od naší komunikační specialistky Anety Navrátilové popisuje mezinárodní událost PES, kterého je náš Institut spolupořadatelem. Tento ročník se zaměřuje na znovuzrození Evropy s cílem poskytnout širokou platformu pro debatu o nejnaléhavějších výzvách obnovy po pandemii.

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EU Observer: Prague European Summit debate with Slovenian president

An article by the Communications Manager of the Prague European Summit (PES) Michal Beneš and by our Communications Specialist Aneta Navrátilová describes one of the panels of the PES event, which our Institute co-organizes. At it, young representatives from the Future European Leaders Forum (FELF) presented their visions of how to shape EU policies to Slovenian President Borut Pahor.

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EU Observer: Debata na Prague European Summit se slovinským prezidentem

Článek od komunikačního manažera Prague European Summit (PES) Michala Beneše a od naší komunikační specialistky Anety Navrátilové popisuje jeden z panelů akce PES, kterého je náš Institut spolupořadatelem. Na něm mladí zástupci z Fóra budoucích evropských lídrů (FELF) představili své vize jak utvářet politiky EU slovinskému prezidentovi Borutu Pahorovi.

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New Europe: Biden’s European tour has brought the US back to its Western allies and drawn red lines with Putin

Our project manager Miroslava Pisklová wrote an article for the New Europe website on Biden's European tour, which culminated in a meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Geneva.

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New Europe: Bidenovo evropské turné vrátilo USA k jejich západním spojencům a vytyčilo červené linie s Putinem

Naše projektová manažerka Miroslava Pisklová napsala pro internetový portál New Europe článek věnující se Bidenovu evropskému turné, které vyvrcholilo jednáním amerického prezidenta Joea Bidena s jeho ruským protějškem Vladimírem Putinem v Ženevě.

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