Report | EU-Pacific Talks | Unveiling Global South Dynamics: EU and Indo-Pacific Perspectives

During the fifth debate of the third edition of the EU-Pacific Talks, organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants focused on the importance of the Global South and the events taking place there that require attention. In the debate, participants stressed the importance of recognising regional differences, showing respect for the countries in the region and actively engaging in listening to their views. Read what our guests discussed in the report written by Adéla Jehličková.

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Report | EU-Pacific Talks | Unveiling Global South Dynamics: EU and Indo-Pacific Perspectives

Během páté debaty třetího ročníku EU-Pacific Talks, kterou pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, se účastníci zaměřili na význam globálního Jihu a události, které se v něm odehrávají a které vyžadují pozornost. Účastníci v diskusi zdůraznili význam uznání regionálních rozdílů, projevení respektu ke státům v tomto regionu a aktivní zapojení do naslouchání jejich názorům. Přečtěte si o čem naši hosté debatovali v reportu, který napsala Adéla Jehličková.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Global Race in Emerging Technologies: Lessons for EU-Pacific Cooperation

In the next debate of the EU-Pacific Talks series, hosted by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, the guests explored the relationship between cooperation and competition in overcoming technological frontiers in the context of pressing climate and industrial demands. Guests explored insights on fostering technological innovation, tackling climate change and promoting sustainable development. Read what our guests discussed in the report written by Simona Růžičková.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Global Race in Emerging Technologies: Lessons for EU-Pacific Cooperation

Během další debaty ze série EU-Pacific Talks, kterou pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, se hosté zaměřili na zkoumání vzájemného vztahu mezi spoluprací a konkurencí při překonávání technologických hranic v souvislosti s naléhavými klimatickými a průmyslovými požadavky. Hosté se věnovali poznatkům o podpoře technologických inovací, řešení klimatických změn a podpoře udržitelného rozvoje. Přečtěte si o čem naši hosté debatovali v reportu, který napsala Simona Růžičková.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

During the next debate in the EU-Pacific Talks series organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, participants engaged in a lively debate covering various aspects of the Russian attack on Ukraine. They also discussed the potential impact on the dynamics of the Indo-Pacific region and the ability of allies and partners to navigate their Indo-Pacific commitments. Read what our guests discussed in this report by Zuzana Augustova.

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REPORT | EU-Pacific Talks | Charting the course for Ukraine: Reassessment of the Indo-Pacific

Během další debaty ze série EU-Pacific Talks, kterou pořádá Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM, se účastníci zapojili do živé debaty zahrnující různé aspekty ruského útoku na Ukrajinu. Diskutovali také o potenciálním dopadu na dynamiku indo-pacifického regionu a schopnosti spojenců a partnerů orientovat se ve svých závazcích oblasti Indo-Pacifiku. Přečtěte si o čem naši hosté debatovali v reportu, který napsala Zuzana Augustová.

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BLOG | The Use of Article 7 as a Protection Tool for the Rule of Law and European Values

With Hungary taking over the EU presidency in July 2024, many are questioning the EU's ability to promote its values in its member states. Indeed, the EU is about to hand over its presidency to a state that has been criticised for its actions that threaten the rule of law and is subject to the procedure set out in Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), writes Maxime Painot in his blog.

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BLOG | The Use of Article 7 as a Protection Tool for the Rule of Law and European Values

Vzhledem k tomu, že Maďarsko převezme v červenci 2024 předsednictví v Radě EU, mnozí pochybují o schopnosti Evropské unie prosazovat své hodnoty v členských státech. EU se skutečně chystá předat své předsednictví státu, který je kritizován za své jednání ohrožující právní stát a podléhá postupu stanovenému v článku 7 Smlouvy o Evropské unii (SEU). Píše ve svém blogu Maxime Painot.

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Hospodářské noviny | More than five million people will need to be retrained in the Czech Republic by 2030. Car industry will mainly face the problems

The Czech car industry is lagging behind the rest of Europe and the world. It may not be able to pick what to produce, but it has the opportunity to strengthen its competitiveness and resilience. However, it needs trained and educated employees, which are hard to find on the local labour market. So are we going to train the automotive workforce, strengthen the position of our strategic sector and promote a just transformation? Or are we going to continue to say that the transition to electric mobility does not concern us and that the Green Deal for Europe is to blame for increased unemployment? How to produce electric cars and remain competitive? Rebeka Hengalová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, discusses this topic in her article for economic daily Hospodářské noviny.

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Think Visegrad conference - EU Enlargement Forum

On 10 and 11 April 2024, Prague will host a two-day conference entitled "20 Years of Reuniting Europe's East and West", organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the Think Visegrad platform and the project (Re)uniting the East and West: Reflections on the 2004 EU enlargement (REWEU) supported by the International Visegrad Fund and the European Commission. The programme will also include the second edition of the EU Enlargement Forum.

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