Teď naozaj! | EU elections: Disinformation a euroscepticism

What are the trends in the campaigns for the European elections? What disinformation is circulating in the public space about the European Union? What are the reasons for the strong euroscepticism in the Czech Republic? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director in the Institute EUROPEUM answered these and other questions in the Czech-Slovak podcast "Teď naozaj!".

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EUROPEUM Institute's ranking of MEPs' influence

EUROPEUM Institute organized a survey among selected experts and stakeholders in European politics to evaluate the performance of current Czech MEPs. The performance of MEPs is difficult to evaluate because there is no completely objective set of criteria that would clearly show this. Therefore, EUROPEUM approached diplomats, officials, academics and other experts from the EU policy environment to compile its own ranking.

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Café Evropa | Debate on the European Parliament elections

We invite the participants of the Scout Festival Obrok 2024 to the next in the series of regional debates Café Evropa on the European Parliament elections. We will give participants an insight into how the European Parliament works, why it is important to come to vote on 7 and 8 June, and also present the values of the European Parliament candidates.

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TN.cz | Migration Pact: A yay or nay? Public opinion is divided

Supporters of the new migration pact say the current situation is ineffective and only causes confusion. Critics of the new agreement, on the other hand, say the current status allows for greater flexibility in the processing of migration. But with whom do more voters agree? And do they believe in the security and protection brought by NATO membership? EUROPEUM Institute, in cooperation with the STEM agency, commissioned a survey, the results of which were presented to TN.cz by deputy director of EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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ČT24 | Representatives of two factions absent from the Spitzenkandidaten debate

Five candidates for the post of President of the European Commission faced each other in the Spitzenkandidaten debate. Two factions did not send a representative at all. Moreover, these are the very factions that could be significantly stronger in the European elections than in the previous period. Missing were representatives of the far-right Identity and Democracy group, of which the SPD is a member for the Czech Republic, as well as the European Conservatives and Reformists, on which the Czech ODS sits. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24 about whether they were significantly absent from the debate.

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TV Nova | European Union faces drug and doctor shortages

Elections to the European Parliament will take place in less than a month. In addition to security issues, experts warn of the threat of health challenges in the coming years. The European Union will have to deal with a shortage of medicines, an aging population and an increasingly aging medical profession. Martin Vokálek, director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on these issues for the main evening broadcast on TV Nova.

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RTVS | Does von der Leyen have a clear opponent after the Spitzenkandidaten debate?

Five candidates for the post of European Commission chief clashed in a Europe-wide debate on Thursday. Two factions did not field a candidate. The system of spitzenkandidaten, i.e. the leading candidates of each group for the post of president of the European executive, was created as an effort by MEPs to increase transparency in the filling of the highest posts in the European Union, which clearly includes the president of the Commission. Who will be the one who will form the majority after the elections and does the current head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, have a significant opponent among the other spitzenkandidaten? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, analysed the debate for RTVS.

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TN.cz | Candidates' debate for the post of European Commission chief

With less than two weeks to go until the European Parliament elections, voters can choose their representatives with the help of a Europe-wide debate of candidates for the post of the future President or President of the European Commission. Five candidates, including the current head of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, who is seeking her second mandate this year, met in the debate on Thursday. Topics discussed included defence and security, the environment and the importance of democracy. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, spoke to TN.cz about the importance of the debate for Czech voters and the outcomes of the individual candidates.

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TV Nova | How to maintain competitiveness of the European Union

Elections to the European Parliament are approaching, and MEPs face an important task: to maintain the competitiveness of the European union in the face of growing dominance from China and the United States. Europe must also grapple with rising debt in most member states. What attracts investors to the United States and China? And where does Europe lag behind? For the main evening broadcast TV Nova commented EUROPEUM Institute analyst Filip Křenek.

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Hospodářské noviny | Who has the biggest influence in Brussels? EUROPEUM presents the ranking of Czech MEPs

MEPs who are running for re-election in the upcoming European Parliament elections emphasize their influence in Brussels and Strasbourg, as well as their ability to shape public opinion in the Czech Republic. The actual extent was examined by EUROPEUM Institute, which compiled a ranking of the influence of Czech MEPs based on a survey of 100 Czech EU experts. Vít Havelka from EUROPEUM Institute discussed this ranking in Hospodářské noviny.

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email: europeum@europeum.org