REPORT: Tvrdý restart pro vztahy EU a Afriky. Perspektiva států Visegradu na dobu post-pandemickou

V úterý 26. května 2020 se uskutečnila online panelová diskuse na téma vztahů Evropské unie a Afriky z perspektivy států Visegrádu v rámci koronavirové pandemie. Akci uspořádala platforma Think Visegrád sdružující think tanky ze střední Evropy. Debata byla vysílána živě na facebookové stránce Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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European Elections: A Year In Review

On the occasion of the anniversary of the ninth European Parliament elections, which took place from 23 to 26 May 2019, experts of EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy prepared five analyses reflecting on the past year in the key areas: climate, multiannual financial framework, migration, geopolitics and European Union enlargement.

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European Elections: A Year In Review

K příležitosti výročí devátých voleb do Evropského parlamentu, které se konaly 23. až 26. května 2019, vypracovali odborníci Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM pět analýz, v nichž se zamýšlí nad uplynulým rokem v klíčových oblastech: klima, víceletý finanční rámec, migrace, geopolitika a rozšiřování Evropské unie.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Green economy restart and recovery from the current pandemic

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series. Because of the anti-coronavirus measures, it will be broadcasted online. The discussion will focus on restart of green and recovery from current pandemic. The event will take place on Monday, June 1st.

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INVITATION: What EU do we want to have in 2025? Digital strategy of European union

We would like to invite you to debate on "What EU do we want to have in 2025? Digital strategy of European union." Panelists will debate about involvement of the Czech Republic, opportunities for companies and the impact of digitalization on our lives. The debate will take place on Thursday, 28 May from 17:30.

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POZVÁNKA: Jakou chceme EU v roce 2025? Digitální strategie Evropské unie

Zveme Vás na další debatu ze série "Jakou chceme EU v roce 2025?" o digitální strategii Evropské unie, zapojení České republiky, příležitostech pro firmy a dopadu digitalizace na naše životy. Debata proběhne ve čtvrtek 28. května 2020 od 17:30 do 19:00.

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INVITATION: COVID-19 as an opportunity to rebuild greener economies

EUROPEUM Institute for European policy with cooperation with Global Shapers Prague wants to invite you on debate "How to rebuild world economies to sort out COVID-19 and climate crisis at once?" Debate will take place on Facebook page of EUROPEUM Institute for European policy and Global Shapers Prague on May 28, 2020 from 2pm CET .

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Český rozhlas plus: European Green Deal

Kateřina Davidová, research fellow from EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy for Český rozhlas Plus about the decarbonisation of the economy, could bring high savings for Czech Republic.

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INVITATION: Café Evropa online: Czech and European Culture during COVID-19 pandemic

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the next debate in the Café Evropa series. Like the previous debate it will be broadcasted online because of anti-coronavirus measures. The debate will focus on the Czech and European culture during this uneasy time. The debate will take place on Thursday, 21 May.

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INVITATION: A hard reset for EU-Africa relations? Visegrad perspectives for a post-pandemic era

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy invites you to the debate on EU-Africa relations. The event is organized by the Think Visegrad platform, which brings together 8 think-tanks from Central Europe. It will take place on Tuesday, May 26th 2020, at 17:00. The event will take place online (via Zoom) and will be broadcasted on Facebook.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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Praha 1 - Staré Město
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tel.: +420 212 246 552