Ekonews: Mineral resources are redrawing the geopolitical map, Europe should focus on reducing consumption

In the European Union, terms such as critical mineral resources, competitiveness or strategic autonomy have been used more and more recently. This discussion is just coming to the Czech Republic, but thanks to the extensive reserves of lithium, it may soon find itself in the center of events. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented on the issue.

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INFO.CZ: Serbia and Kosovo at the same table, but without a result. Instead of a solution, the upcoming agreement brought only more questions

After long negotiations, according to the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, on Saturday, March 18, the representatives of Serbia and Kosovo agreed on the final form of the agreement, which is supposed to ensure the normalization of relations between the two countries. Serbia does not recognize the independence of its former province, and relations have further escalated over the past year and a half over a dispute over the recognition of identity documents and vehicle registration plates issued by the two entities. The heated atmosphere in the war-torn region has attracted enormous attention from the US and the European Union, and both sides have invested significant efforts towards calming the situation and formulating an agreement to prevent similar situations in the future.

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RTVS: Tense situation in France

Our senior researcher Klára Votavová described the tense situation in France, where protests over pension reform have been ongoing for several weeks.

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INVITATION | Shaping our Digital Future: Tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

We cordially invite you to the conference entitled Shaping our Digital Future: Tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe. The conference will take place on Monday 27 March from 16:30 to 18:45 at the Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75 1000 Brussels.

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Pozvánka | Shaping our Digital Future: Tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe

Srdečně Vás zveme na konferenci s názvem Shaping our Digital Future: Tackling Disinformation in the EU, case of Central and Eastern Europe. Konference se uskuteční v pondělí 27. března od 16:30 do 18:45 v Bruselu na adrese Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75 1000 Brusel.

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Euractiv: Debate on synthetic fuels for cars is nonsense, the fundamental question is elsewhere

The future of cars with exhausts is stirring Europe. That is why Czech Transport Minister Martin Kupka (ODS) went to Strasbourg to discuss the promotion of "realistic" rules. He is partly right. However, in the fight for synthetic fuels, which has been launched by the Germans, realism is clearly on the side of a proposal that has long been on the table. And whose future is now being threatened by Kupka and co. The commentary was written by our senior researcher Vít Havelka.

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E15: The European Union strikes back at the US. EU unveils its own plans to boost the green economy

This week, the European Commission will present two important proposals to the public - the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Net-Zero Industry Act. Both regulations are a response to the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and aim to make the European economy more competitive and prevent a mass exodus of companies and technological innovation to the United States, Kateřina Davidová, our senior researcher, contributed to this topic.

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Finmag: An unequal fight with the USA. Czech industry must turn green to survive

Relatively unnoticed, in August of last year, the Congress of the United States of America voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This decision may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Inflation Reduction Act is a massive investment package that can fundamentally affect the current approach of Europe and other countries to green transformation. The transition to clean technologies, research, development, and production, can no longer be perceived purely as a question of reducing emissions, but also as a question of maintaining competitiveness on the global market. The green race has started and the Czech Republic should step up.

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Ekonews: Czech industry must turn green to survive, says expert

Last August, a decision was made that may be one of the most important steps in the fight against climate change this decade. Relatively unnoticed, the United States Congress voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act. This is a massive investment package that could fundamentally affect the way Europe and other countries have approached the green transformation to date.

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ČRo Plus: The proposal that would end the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines from 2035 is postponed

Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová commented for ČRo Plus on the postponement of the vote to end the sale of new cars with internal combustion engines, which is to apply from 2035. Its final approval was not supported at the last minute by Germany, which is concerned that the proposal does not include an exemption for vehicles that would burn synthetic fuels.

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