Washington Post: France 2017: Europe’s most decisive election of the year

Náš Martin Michelot byl citován v článku Washington Post analyzující francouzské prezidentské volby.

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Quartz: Stop making the French election all about the EU—it’s about much more than that

Příspěvek našeho Martina Michelota publikován na hlavní stránce Quartz.com.

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RTVS: The developments of the French elections

Our Martin Michelot commented for RTVS the development of the French presidential elections.

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INVITATION: French presidential elections and their impact on the Czech Republic and the EU

We would like to cordially invite you to a debate on the French presidential elections and their impact on the Czech Republic and the EU.

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POZVÁNKA: French presidential elections and their impact on the Czech Republic and the EU

Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na debatu o francouzských volbách a jejich vlivu na Českou republiku a EU, která proběhne v úterý 9. května 2017 od 18h v Evropském domě (Jungmmanova 24, Praha 1).

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Čro: Political program of the French presidential election candidates

In an interview for ČRo, our deputy director Martin Michelot commented on the political program of the French presidential election candidates.

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Turkey, the caliphate of Sultan Erdogan?

In his new blog, our Research Assistant Patrick Zingerle describes the current political situation in Erdogan's Turkey, from the army coup to the recent referendum strengthening the power in the hands of the Turkish president.

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Turkey, the caliphate of Sultan Erdogan?

Náš výzkumný asistent Patrick Zingerle popsal ve svém blogu nynější politickou situaci v Erdoganově Turecku - od armádního puče až po nedávné referendum o rozšíření pravomocí tureckého prezidenta.

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ČRo Plus: French elections

Our director Vladimír Bartovič was a guest on Rozhlas.cz, where he commented on the ongoing presidential elections in France.

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Vox: Almost everyone in French politics is working to stop Le Pen

Our Martin Michelot contributed to an article about the second round of the French presidential elections on Vox.

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