Policy Paper | Enlargement on Hold: The Price Europe Pays

How can the EU enlargement process regain its lost momentum? And how can we learn from previous rounds of enlargement? These questions are answered by a group of authors together with EUROPEUM Institute senior researcher Jana Juzová in a new publication within the REWEU project.

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Český rozhlas | Kdo bude příštím českým eurokomisařem?

Starostové, kteří mají v rámci koaliční dohody právo na navrhnutí eurokomisaře, oznámili, že nominují jak Danuši Nerudovou, tak Jozefa Síkelu na pozici dalšího českého eurokomisaře v Evropské komisi. Vláda má rozhodnout o kandidátovi do konce srpna. Může Česko získat vysoce žádané ekonomické portfolio? Jaké jsou výhody pro danou zemi, pokud ho získá? A jak náročný je proces vyslýchání kandidátů v Evropském parlamentu, tzv. grilování? Klára Votavová, výzkumnice Institutu EUROPEUM, odpovídala na tyto a další otázky v rozhovoru pro Český rozhlas.

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ČRo Plus | EU leaders discuss key positions. The favorites are von der Leyen, Costa, and Kallas

On Monday 17 June, the leaders of the European Union Member States headed to Brussels for their first joint meeting after the European Parliament elections. They discussed the distribution of key posts at the head of the EU institutions - the President of the European Commission, the European Council and the European Parliament. Filip Křenek, project coordinator and analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the likely distribution of forces for ČRo Plus.

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ČRo Plus | Lídři EU projednali klíčové posty. Favority jsou von der Leyenová, Costa a Kallasová

V pondělí 17. června zamířili lídři členských států Evropské unie na první společnou schůzku v Bruselu po volbách do Evropského parlamentu. Projednávali rozdělení klíčových postů v čele unijních institucí - o předsedovi či předsedkyni Evropské komise, Evropské rady i Evropského parlamentu. Pravděpodobné rozložení sil pro ČRo Plus komentoval projektový koordinátor a analytik Institutu EUROPEUM Filip Křenek.

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RTVS | EU leaders discussed the new European Commission

On Monday, June 17, an informal meeting of the 27 member states of the European Union took place. Their leaders discussed the nominations of members for the new European Commission. Ursula von der Leyen will also have to compete for her position as President of the European Commission again. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discussed her chances on the Slovak television RTVS.

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ČRo Plus | Internal coalition battles for the Czech Commissioner

Who will take a seat in the European Commission for the Czech Republic? What portfolio should he/she focus on? And which government party has the right to nominate a new Commissioner? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the topic for Czech Radio Plus.

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ČRo Plus | Vnitrokoaliční boje o českého eurokomisaře

Kdo za Česko zaujme místo v Evropské komisi? Na jaké portfolio by se měl zaměřit? A která vládní strana má vůbec právo nominovat nového eurokomisaře nebo eurokomisařku? Pro Český rozhlas Plus téma komentoval zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktor Daněk.

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ČT24 | Political shift after the European Parliament elections and its impact on the future of the EU

After the European Parliament elections, the strongest faction remains the European People's Party, a grouping that includes TOP09, KDU-ČSL and the Mayors and Independents. The Socialists and Democrats are second and Renew Europe, which includes the winning ANO party, is third. How significantly did the elections affect the European Parliament? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČT24.

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Deník N | The far right will not strengthen in the European Parliament, elections in Member States will be a threat to the EU

The results of the European Parliament elections have confirmed the expected rise in the popularity of the far right and populism. Now it is the turn of negotiations within the factions. These will be decisive for voting on European legislation over the next five years. What is in store for MEPs in the coming days, how much will the election results rewrite the balance of power, what role will the far right play within the EP, or what is the real threat to Europe in the months ahead? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy and EU analyst describes for Deník N.

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TBS NEWS | Behind the Rise of the Far Right: The Shadow of China and Russia?

The rise of far-right parties in the European Parliament elections has caused concern across the continent. Analysts point to external influences, particularly from China and Russia, as possible causes. Both countries are alleged to have tried to influence the elections through disinformation campaigns. While Europe is facing a rise in populism, possible foreign interference casts a shadow over the ongoing political debate. Jonáš Syrovátka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, comments for the Japanese TV channel TBS NEWS.

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