INVITATION: The Future of EU energy and climate policy

We would like to cordially invite you to the panel discussion titled ''The Future of EU energy and climate policy''. The event will take place in Brussels on the 1st of October.

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INVITATION: European Citizens' Initiative as a tool to shape Europe

We would like to cordially invite you to a half-day knowledge-sharing workshop that is part of the 2018 Festival of Democracy.

Zjistit více Šefčovič got support and will try to replace Juncker

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková contributed to the Slovak daily with a commentary on Maroš Ševčovič’s candidacy for President of the European Commission.

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TA3: Vladimír Bartovic on the meeting of the US President and President of the European Commission

Our Vladimír Bartovic comments the meeting of the US President Donald Trump and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker

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La revue – Confrontations Europe: Les quatre de Visegrad ne forment pas un bloc

Our Martin Michelot authored an article for La revue – Confrontations Europe on the role of the V4 group in European politics.

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La revue – Confrontations Europe: Les quatre de Visegrad ne forment pas un bloc

Náš Martin Michelot sepsal článek do časopisu La revue – Confrontations Europe o roli skupiny Visegrádu v rámci Unie.

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New MFF – Three Comments on the Rule of Law Provision

Our Vít Havelka explores the first draft of the post-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework and a special provision ensuring that the beneficiary countries respect financial management and Rule of Law.

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Správy Šefčovič as chairman of the European commission? Its a distant vision

Our Vladimír Bartovic for Správy commented on the ambitions of Šefčovič for the position of President of the European Commission.

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Denník N: Maroš Šefčovič wants to be the head of the European Commission, what stands in his way?

Our Martin Michelot has commented on the ambitions of Maroš Šefčovič, and the challenges he is now facing.

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EuropeanWesternBalkans: Echoes of the EU

MEPs, the European Commission and experts discussed the EU enlargement process and the impact and substantial changes of the Sofia EU-Western Balkans Summit.

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