Policy Paper | Serbia’s EU Accession Path: European Integration without Democratization?

Daří se Srbsku plnit podmínky nutné k přistoupení do EU? Přečtěte si Policy Paper, který dohromady napsali Jana Juzová, Nikola Burazer a Oszkár Roginer, ve kterém se věnují srbské cestě ke členství v Evropské unie.

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INVITATION | Serbia’s EU integration process: A long and rocky road

We would like to invite you for a public discussion and screening of a documentary on Serbia’s EU integration process. The debate will take place on Monday 19 December, 15:30 - 17:30; at Impact Hub D10 in Prague.

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendation: Ukraine's Integration into the EU

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová has prepared a summary and recommendations based on the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 26 October 2022 on the topic "Ukraine's Integration into the EU". The Convention produced three recommendations based on the answers to the following questions: How can the EU and the Czech Republic support Ukraine in the post-war reconstruction and reforms necessary for EU integration? What tools does the EU have at its disposal for the deeper economic and political integration of Ukraine? Is the EU ready to fully integrate Ukraine and other candidate countries?

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Invitation: Think Tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes

We would like to invite you to watch the live broadcast of the conference "Think Tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes", which will take place on Thursday 13 October at 15:00.

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Background Paper Think Tank Forum | The State of Democracy and Rule of Law in WB6

This article was written as background material for a panel discussion at the Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. The authors of the article are Oszkár Roginer, Project Manager, and Žiga Faktor, Head of our Brussels office. In the article, the authors discuss, among other things, elections, political pluralism, civil society, media, and fundamental rights in the Western Balkan countries.

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Podkladový materiál Think Tank Forum | Stav demokracie a právního státu ve WB6

Tento článek byl napsán jako podkladový materiál pro panelovou diskuzi v rámci Think Tank Forum: EU Enlargement. Autory článku jsou Oszkár Roginer, projektový manažer a Žiga Faktor, vedoucí naší bruselské kanceláře. V článku se autoři věnují mimo jiné volbám, politickému pluralismu, občanské společnosti, médiím či základním právům v zemích západního Balkánu.

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National Convention on the EU | Integraction of Ukraine into the EU

Our Senior Research Fellow Jana Juzová has prepared a background paper for the National Convention's roundtable on the EU. The roundtable is presented with three main questions: how can the EU and the Czech Republic support Ukraine in its post-war reconstruction and reforms necessary for EU integration? What tools does the EU have at its disposal for deeper economic and political integration of Ukraine? Is the EU ready to fully integrate Ukraine and other candidate countries? Can it use the experience of previous enlargement rounds for this purpose?

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Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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Think Tank Forum: EU enlargement

It is with great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EU Enlargement Think-tank Forum: Rethinking Enlargement in times of Geopolitical Earthquakes organized by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with other partners between 13th and 14th October 2022 in Prague. Invitation only for in-person participation.

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Seznamzpravy.cz: Comment: Ukraine in the EU? The biggest risk is empty promises

Our Research Fellow Jana Juzova commented on Ukraine's EU integration. Ukraine's economic level and lack of progress in democratic reforms, among other factors, complicate the EU's enlargement to include Ukraine. Accession would affect the flow of money redistributed from European funds, and Ukraine's membership would also have an impact on the EU Council's voting deliberations and the number of MEP seats.

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