Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Our Rachel Warren analyzes in her latest blog the rise of populist tendencies in European politics.

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Europe on Populism: Policies of intolerance should not be tolerated

Naše Rachel Warren analyzuje ve svém nejnovějším blogu evropské politické trendy a vzestup populismu.

Zjistit více Brussels against the wave of populism in Hungary and Poland.

Our Martin Michelot commented for, on the situation of increasing populism in the east, particularly in Hungary and Poland.

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FES-CENS Paper Series 2017: CENS series of events in the second half of 2017

In the second half of 2017, we at CENS had the great privilege to collaborate with our partners at the Budapest Office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to host and co-organize a series of events on key issues of contemporary Europe.

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FES-CENS Paper Series 2017: CENS report událostí

V druhé polovině roku 2017 došlo k několika událostem pořádaných CENS a Budepešť office of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung na téma momentálních problémů v Evropské Unii.

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How to lose Russia in 10(0) days: Ukraine’s delicate balance

Another contribution to the EASTERN MONITOR series by Nelly Tomčíková deals with the Association Agreement between Ukraine and EU.

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How to lose Russia in 10(0) days: Ukraine’s delicate balance

Další příspěvek ze série EASTERN MONITOR od Nelly Tomčíkové, který se věnuje Asociační dohodě mezi Ukrajinou a Evropskou unií.

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Rationality of the EU ETS: Holding it Together or Preventing Deeper Changes?

Jan Šťáhlavský, Stockholm Resilience Centre, wrote a policy paper on the topic of EU's ETS, this paper will serve as a background material for a second debate from our project 'Prague Climate Talks'. The event will take place on October 3rd, 2017 at European house.

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Rationality of the EU ETS: Holding it Together or Preventing Deeper Changes?

Jan Šťáhlavský ze Stockholm Resilience Centre vypracoval policy paper, který slouží jako podkladový materiál pro druhou diskusi ze série Prague Climate Talks. Ta proběhne 3. října 2017 v Evropském domě.

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Same-sex marriage in Germany: A lost vote for Merkel, or a part of canny politics?

In her latest blog, our Elli Hoai Anh analyzes the vote on same-sex marriage in Germany from a standpoint of Merkel's party politics.

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