Op-Ed | The grain dispute is the first sign that Ukraine's EU accession will not be easy. What obstacles await on this path?

The Ukrainian grain situation is making waves in Europe. Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office Ziga Faktor wrote an Op-Ed about the impact of the situation on the country's EU accession and how some member states are reacting.

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Op-Ed | Subsidised fossil fuels are a major obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The Czech Republic and the world must confront it

One of the biggest obstacles to solving the climate crisis is fossil fuel subsidies. However, they have not received much attention in the Czech Republic. An Op-Ed on this topic was written by our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová.

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Deník N | Climate change and the upcoming European elections

Climate change is an important topic that is increasingly appearing in various narratives in Czech political discourse. Our researcher Klára Votavová writes about environmental issues and the subsequent political response in her new commentary for Deník N, where she presents findings from the RevivEU project.

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RevivEU project, carried out by four leading institutions in the V4 countries, looks at the needs, concerns and fears of the V4 citizens in four various EU-related topics. It does so through both quantitative and qualitative research of citizens´ attitudes towards climate change, migration, covid-19 and the rule of law. It also analyses the governmental policies in these four main areas and how the communication of these policies is framed in the public discourse.

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EURACTIV: Three reasons why the Czech Republic should accelerate the transition to photovoltaics

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), solar energy is the cheapest source of electricity in the world, but the Czech Republic still lags far behind the European average. What are its advantages, and how to speed up its implementation in the Czech Republic as quickly as possible? These are the topics discussed by Jonathan Lyons and Kristína Kráľovská, research associates at EUROPEUM Institute, in collaboration with editor Kateřina Horáková in a new article on EURACTIV.cz.

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Analysis | To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI | Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing

Discover Jana Juzová's article titled "To be or not to be: Czech Republic’s ambiguous attitude towards the 3SI" in the working paper series Anticipating the 2023 Three Seas Initiative Bucharest Summit. Advancing the common agenda. Juzová, a senior researcher, provides valuable insights into the complexities of the Czech Republic's stance on the 3SI. Explore this thought-provoking analysis today to understand the dynamics surrounding this strategic initiative.

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BLOG: What can Czechia learn from Poland’s solar energy shift?

Read the full blog by Kristína Kráľovská, in which she writes about what the Czech Republic can learn from Poland's shift in solar energy

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BLOG: Co se může Česko naučit z polského posunu v oblasti solární energie?

Přečtěte se celý blog, který napsala Kristína Kráľovská, ve kterém píše o tom, co se Česká republika může naučit z polského posunu v oblasti solární energie

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

The car industry is a crucial player for the economies of each Visegrad country, but to remain competitive adaptation is necessary. Since the shift from ICE to EVs leads to a substantial need for Critical Raw Materials (CRM), the V4 countries have and must continue to position themselves along the different parts of the EV battery supply chain from mining, refining to manufacturing, reuse and recycling as well as R&D into new battery chemistries. The future is electric: role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain report addresses areas for Visegrad countries to ensure a sustainable and reliable EV battery supply chain.

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Policy Paper | The future is electric: role of Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain

Automobilový průmysl je pro ekonomiky všech visegrádských zemí klíčovým hráčem, ale pro zachování konkurenceschopnosti je nutné se mu přizpůsobit. Vzhledem k tomu, že přechod od vozidel s vnitřním spalovacím motorem k elektrickým vozidlům vede ke značné potřebě kritických surovin (Critical Raw Materials - CRM), země V4 se musely a musejí i nadále snažit zaujmout pozici v různých částech dodavatelského řetězce baterií pro elektrická vozidla, od těžby, rafinace až po výrobu, opětovné použití a recyklaci, jakož i výzkum a vývoj nových chemických technologií baterií. Zpráva The future is electric: Role of the Visegrad countries in the EV battery supply chain (Budoucnost je elektrická: role zemí Visegrádu v dodavatelském řetězci baterií pro elektromobily) se zabývá oblastmi, v nichž mohou země Visegrádu zajistit udržitelný a spolehlivý dodavatelský řetězec baterií pro elektromobily.

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