Hospodářské noviny | Czech lithium reserves could boost the automotive industry

The Czech Republic has vast reserves of lithium, a crucial resource for manufacturing batteries for electric vehicles. However, it lags behind in other aspects of the battery supply chain, such as production and recycling. And yet, these key industry sectors could potentially help in saving the local automotive industry. Jonathan Lyons, an analyst at the EUROPEUM Institute, further explored this issue and the potential benefits of lithium for the Czech economy in an article for Hospodářské noviny.

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Institut Europeum se připojuje k výzvě lídrům G7 a EU

Institut EUROPEUM a dalších víc než 280 evropských nevládních organizací žádá EU a země G7, aby silněji zasáhly do schopnosti Kremlu financovat ruské válečné operace na Ukrajině.

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ČRo Plus | Viktor Daněk: Pro-European Czech government and EU reform

Czech governments have always been strong supporters of EU enlargement, and the same is true of the current one. The cabinet of Petr Fiala of the ODS might even like to be seen as the one that has done the most of Czech governments for the accession of new members to the shared club so far.

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Projektový/á koordinátor/ka a analytik/čka v programu Zelená Evropa

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM vypisuje výběrové řízení na pozici projektový/á koordinátor/ka a analytik/čka v programu Zelená Evropa

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Právo | European Council chief Michel makes a mockery of himself with a U-turn

Charles Michel has reversed his decision to stand in this year's European elections. The current head of the European Council faced a wave of criticism for not finishing his term, but was that the only reason for his change of heart? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk explained the circumstances of Michel's EU career to Právo.

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Právo | Šéf Evropské rady Michel se otočkou zesměšnil

Charles Michel vzal zpátky svoje rozhodnutí kandidovat v letošních evropských volbách. Dosavadní šéf Evropské rady čelil vlně kritiky kvůli tomu, že nedokončí své funkční období, byl to ale jediný důvod pro změnu jeho názoru? Náš zástupce ředitele Viktor Daněk vysvětlil okolnosti Michelova směřování v EU pro deník Právo.

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Policy Paper | Will the future of the EU be driven top-down or bottom up?

Read the article by Markéta Pekarčíková, who has written a policy paper on possible approaches and proposals that the European Union could follow or at least be inspired by. It provides a theoretical perspective on the future of the European Union as perceived by the previous European Commission under the leadership of Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU27 was to decide its future by 2025.

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Právo | The admired and hated father of the euro has died

Jacques Delors, one of the fathers of the euro and a politician who influenced the future of the European Union, died on Wednesday 27 December 2023 at the age of 98. Read what Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director, wrote about him for Právo.

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Právo | Zemřel obdivovaný i nenáviděný otec eura

Ve středu 27. prosince 2023 zemřel v 98 letech Jacques Delors, jeden z otců eura a politik, který ovlivnil budoucnost Evropské unie. Přečtěte si co o něm napsal Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele, pro Právo.

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