INVITATION | Café Evropa: What does the EU do for the rights and protection of LGBT+ people?

We cordially invite you to the next debate in the Café Evropa online series, this time on the topic "What does the EU do for the rights and protection of LGBT+ people?". The debate will take place on Wednesday 9 August.

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Invitation | The Kidnapped West by Milan Kundera, translated into Czech by Anna Karenina

The event will take place at the Institut français de Prague in cooperation with Atlantis Publishing House and the Ambassade de France en République tchèque.

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RILSA: Climate policy after a year of energy crisis

Our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová published an article focusing on climate policy in the journal Forum for Social Policy. The text focuses on developments in energy and climate policy over the past year, defined by the Russian war in Ukraine, the energy crisis and rising inflation. The periodical is published by the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs (RILSA).

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Report | Café Evropa: Artificial Intelligence: opportunity or threat?

As part of the programme of the World of Books festival, which took place on 11 May at the Prague Exhibition Grounds, there was also a Café Evropa debate on: Artificial Intelligence: opportunity or threat?

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Report | Café Evropa: Crazy and young science in the Czech Republic - something to be proud of

Within the programme of the Europe Day festival, which took place on 5 May on Střelecký ostrov, there was also a special Café Evropa debate on the topic Crazy and young science in the Czech Republic - something to be proud of.

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E15: The EU Council approves strengthening the rights of couriers. It will make delivery services worse, warn Uber and Bolt

A new directive is being prepared in the European Union, which should come into force in the second half of 2025 at the earliest. It deals with the labor law issue of delivery services. The Czech context and interests of the platforms were added to the E15 article by our researcher Klára Votavová.

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ČRo Plus: Serbians are in the streets. Everyone has a slightly different reason, but no one wants a country of fear and hatred

Serbian society is divided. For several days now, Belgrade has been experiencing streets full of protesters. Why are people taking to the streets and what is the mood in Serbia? In an interview for Za obzorem, our researcher Jana Juzová reflected on this.

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BLOG: What can Czechia learn from Poland’s solar energy shift?

Read the full blog by Kristína Kráľovská, in which she writes about what the Czech Republic can learn from Poland's shift in solar energy

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BLOG: Co se může Česko naučit z polského posunu v oblasti solární energie?

Přečtěte se celý blog, který napsala Kristína Kráľovská, ve kterém píše o tom, co se Česká republika může naučit z polského posunu v oblasti solární energie

Zjistit více Gas pipeline from Poland, oil pipeline from Italy. Czech Republic to borrow billions for projects

The Czech Republic wants to borrow tens of billions through the National Recovery Plan for projects such as the gas pipeline from Poland or the strengthening of the oil pipeline from Italy. The money will come from the European Recovery and Resilience Facility, which should make the loan profitable. Not all projects have been given the green light by the European Commission. Funding for the Dukovany hot water pipeline has been put on hold. Our Senior Research Fellow Vít Havelka commented on this topic.

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