TV Nova | Russian Interference in European Elections

Russia has a significant interest in influencing European elections, which raises awareness in the European Parliament. The issue of Russia's interference will also be addressed in the plenary session. Measures such as restricting visits to the Parliament building or holding events on its premises are being considered. Nevertheless, member states still play a crucial role in foreign and security policy of EU, as commented Jonáš Syrovátka, a researcher at the EUROPEUM Institute, for main evening news broadcast on TV Nova.

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ČT24 | The role of MEPs in the eyes of Czech citizens

Interest in the European Parliament elections remains low, and increased turnout is not expected this year either. The Czech perception of the European Union is partly shaped by political expressions, influencing a rather eurosceptic public perception. Although Czech MEPs have the potential to contribute significantly within the Parliament, the public has only limited awareness of their work and influence. Speculations about future positions within the ECR faction and possible commissioner positions are still premature. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, opened these topics on the evening broadcast 90’ on ČT24.

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ČT24 | Role europoslanců v očích obyvatel Česka

Zájem o volby do Evropského parlamentu zůstává nízký a ani letos se neočekává zvýšená účast. Český obraz Evropské unie je částečně formován politickými vyjádřeními, což ovlivňuje spíše euroskeptické veřejné mínění. Ačkoliv čeští poslanci mají potenciál významně přispívat v rámci Parlamentu, veřejnost má o jejich práci a vlivu jen omezené povědomí. Spekulace ohledně budoucích postů v rámci frakce Evropských konzervativců a reformistů i možných pozic v Komisi jsou stále předčasné. O těchto tématech mluvil Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM, v pořadu 90’ na ČT24.

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TV Nova | Strengthening of sanctions against Russia's allies

The anti-Russian sanctions imposed by the European Union are not having the desired effect. After two years, it is becoming clear that the sanctions are hitting the Russian economy, but are not preventing them from being circumvented, with Asian countries, led by China, playing a major role. Thus, the Union included several companies from China and Hong Kong in the February round of sanctions. Viktor Danek, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the possible consequences in a report for the main broadcast news TV Nova.

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e15 | Enlargement of the Schengen area to include Romania and Bulgaria

The Schengen area of free movement of goods and persons will was extended to Romania and Bulgaria from Sunday 31 March. The two countries have been waiting seventeen years for this moment, since they joined the European Union. For now, only the maritime and air borders are removed, but land borders should follow in the next few months. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on both the economic benefits and possible risks of partial enlargement for the daily e15.

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TV Nova | European elections: Defense, security and domestic issues dominate amongst Czech voters

According to surveys a record turnout of Czech voters is expected in this year's elections to the European Parliament. Compared to the elections in 2014, it could be almost double the number, and so far about 33 percent participation is expected. Defense and security will be key topics, as well as war in Ukraine. Domestic issues of individual countries will play an important role as well. The executive director of the EUROPEUM Institute, Martin Vokálek, spoke to TV Nova about possible changes in the composition of the Parliament.

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ČRo Plus | Why Martina Dlabajová was not appointed as EU's small and medium-sized enterprises Envoy

Czech MEP Martina Dlabajová had applied for the post of EU's small and medium-sized enterprises Envoy last fall, but at the end of January Markus Pieper was appointed to this role. He is Ursula von der Leyen's running mate, who came third in the open competition behind the winning Dlabajová. The anti-corruption organisation Transparency International, among others, has called for an investigation into the selection procedure. Viktor Daněk, the deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this for Czech Radio.

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ČRo Plus | Viktor Daněk: Proevropská česká vláda a reforma EU

České vlády se vždy pasovaly do role výrazných příznivců rozšíření Evropské unie a nejinak je tomu i u té současné. Kabinet Petra Fialy z ODS by dokonce možná byl rád považovaný za ten, který pro přistoupení nových členů do společného klubu zatím z českých vlád udělal nejvíc.

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Op-Ed | Michelovy překvapivé ambice mimo svou nynější funkci vyvolaly vlnu kritiky. Co to znamená pro budoucnost EU?

Oznámení kandidatury Charlese Michela do červnových evropských voleb vyvolalo vlnu kritických reakcí ze strany politiků, diplomatů i novinářů. Co to znamená pro EU a proč se takto Michel rozhodl? Situací se ve svém Op-Edu zabývá náš zástupce ředitele a vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Žiga Faktor.

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ČRo Plus | Belgian Presidency

Belgium takes over the EU Presidency from the Spanish. What challenges does Belgium face in this role and how does it plan to achieve its objectives? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, explains.

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