INVITATION: NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?

We would like to cordially invite you to the debate with LTG (Ret.) Ben Hodges titled "NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?" which will take place on July 9, 2018 from 17:30 to 19:00 at the American Center in Prague.

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POZVÁNKA: NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?

Přijměte naše srdečné pozvání na debatu s názvem "NATO Summit: what is at stake for the Czech Republic, the U.S., and the Alliance?", která se uskuteční 9. července 2018 od 17:30 do 19:00 v Americkém centru.

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INVITATION: EU± // European army

We would like to cordially invite you to the public debate titled "EU± // European army" which will take place on April 5, 2018 at 19.00 in the Scout Institute in Prague.

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Hulala: Le réarmement de la Pologne n’en est qu’à ses débuts

Our Martin Michelot analyzed for a French periodical Hulala the Polish armed forces.

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EuropaSecura 2017

Last week, the tenth year of our project EuropaSecura was marked by a nationwide final round of the competition, taking place in a military base in Brdy. The competing students got to experience what the representatives of the European Union are facing during a crisis situation, as well as learned how diplomatic negotiations take place within the EU and NATO.

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Commentary: The Rome Summit

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Tereza Novotná, Zuzana Stuchlíková and Alexandr Lagazzi react to the signed Rome Declaration from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

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High School Contest: EUROPASECURA - National Round

EUROPASECURA is an national contest for secondary school student on security issues, the European Union and NATO and their roles in the global security system. The national round took place from 9th to 13th of June 2014.

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EuropaSecura 2016

We are proud to announce 9th year of team competition EuropaSecura designed for high school students interested in security and role of NATO and EU in the world.

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Evropská armáda

Seminář s názvem „Evropská armáda", jenž spolupořádáme v Evropském domě.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552