ČRo Plus | Czech Republic will send only one candidate to the European Commission

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has asked Member States to submit two names instead of one in their nominations for European Commissioners. Her aim is to have a balanced proportion of men and women in the new Commission. But as the request for two candidates is not supported by the treaties, if the Czech Republic offers only Jozef Sikel, there will be no direct consequences, though it may affect the distribution of the portfolios that lays in von der Leyen's hands. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented for ČRo Plus.

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ČT24 | The Czech candidate for European Commissioner is Jozef Síkela

Jozef Síkela has been nominated by the Czech government for the position of European Commissioner. What was crucial for the decision? And why was Danuše Nerudová not nominated, even though Ursula von der Leyen requires both a female and male candidate? What is the timeline now? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, answers these and other questions for ČT24.

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CNN Prima News | Who will be the next Czech EU Commissioner?

Is Jozef Síkela still the favorite for the post of the Czech EU Commissioner? Which portfolio would be most desirable for the Czech Republic? How likely is it that a defense commissioner position will be created? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments for CNN Prima News.

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ČT24 | European Parliament Elected Committee Leadership, Including a Czech Chair

Veronika Vrecionová was elected as the Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Luděk Niedermayer as the Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Does this signify a strengthening or weakening of the Czech position? In which committees will the Czech MEPs be active? How significant is the "cordon sanitaire" of the Patriots for Europe political group? And isn't this isolation of the Patriots for Europe a limitation of democracy? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, discusses this topic in an interview for ČT24.

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ČTK | Commission President is assembling her team of commissioners, but so far has few candidates

After being approved by the European Parliament, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is starting to assemble her team of commissioners. Some countries have already submitted their candidates, but many are still pending, including the Czech Republic. In Czechia, discussions about potential candidates are ongoing, with additional names being proposed alongside those suggested by the STAN political party. Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments on the situation for Czech News Agency.

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Blesk.cz | Changing the Green Deal is almost impossible and its cancellation is not desirable

The Czech government's press conference on Wedesday was delayed by nearly two hours due to discussions on the giant nuclear tender for the completion of Dukovany. The originally planned approval of the Czech Green Deal was postponed. Prime Minister Fiala emphasized that no new commitments would be adopted and the government would seek to mitigate the impacts of previously approved measures. However, as noted by researcher Rebeka Hengalová from EUROPEUM Institute for Blesk.cz, altering the Green Deal is nearly impossible and canceling it is neither feasible nor desirable.

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Euractiv.cz | At the EPC Summit in the UK, the Czech Republic will sign a bilateral agreement with Ukraine

The United Kingdom is preparing for a major summit of the European Political Community (EPC). After the Czech Republic, Moldova, and Spain, Britain is only the fourth hosting country. Among other topics, the states will discuss Ukraine and illegal migration. On a bilateral level, the Czech Republic will sign a security agreement with Ukraine. Jana Juzová, a researcher at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the summit for Euractiv.cz.

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ČT24 | Division into political groups in the European Parliament

The Czech Republic has 21 MEPs in the European Parliament. The ANO movement has the most representatives, followed by the Spolu coalition. In the European Parliament, there were seven groups before this year's elections, but now there will be one more. The European People's Party remains the strongest, followed by the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, and the Patriots for Europe. The new distribution of MEPs explained on ČT24 Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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ČRo | The European Commission boycotts the Hungarian presidency due to Orban's unexpected visit to Russia

The European Commission has announced that, in light of developments since the beginning of the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union, it plans to boycott informal ministerial meetings and send only senior officials instead of commissioners. Viktor Orbán has come under criticism for his recent trip to Russia, which he described as a peace mission aimed at ending the war in Ukraine and which he did not consult with the leaders of other EU states. This move comments Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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Policy paper | Czechia and NATO: Building a more capable, connected and credible European pillar

CEE allies are key to building the capabilities-based, European Pillar NATO needs to enact genuine burden shifting and secure the alliance’s future. Dr Benjamin Tallis shows how Czechia can build on recent progress in defense procurement and increase its influence by prioritising the six elements Euro-NATO needs: core national war-fighting capabilities, logistics, military mobility, strategic enablers, air defence and long-range strategic strike.

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