RTVS | Slovakia has been in the EU for 20 years

Slovakia joined the European Union 20 years ago in its biggest enlargement to date. Among the main benefits of this move is an increase in the economy, up to 80%. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of EUROPEUM Institute's Brussels office, described the future direction of the Union.

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Café Evropa | 20 years in the EU: what has membership given and taken away from Jeseník?

We invite you to the next Café Evropa debate! Green Deal, migration, security, EU elections, EU subsidies... Are you interested in what's in it for Jeseník? Our guests will answer these and other questions. Come and discuss!

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Café Evropa | 20 years without borders: what have two decades of open Europe given us?

We invite you to a public recording of the Café Evropa podcast. Come and discuss twenty years of open Europe with representatives of the generation that has lived most of its life there, as well as those who remember the past regime and the waiting at the borders. What do you remember?

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Café Evropa: České Budějovice 20 years in EU

We invite you to the next debate of the Café Evropa series. Come and talk to us about what current european issues are resonating in České Budějovice and how you imagine Europe. Are you interested in nuclear energy, electromobility, euro, local projects supported by the EU, culture or any other european topics?

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Policy Paper | 20 years of cohesion policy as a "Beware of Greeks bearing gifts"?

It has been 20 years since the Czech Republic and 9 other Central, Southern and Eastern European countries joined the European Union. This was on the promise of increased prosperity and the so-called economic catching-up of the post-communist part of Europe. Cohesion policy was to play a key role here. Vít Havelka writes in his Policy Paper.

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Policy paper | Current EU industrial policy undermines economic convergence between old and new EU countries

The post-communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic, joined the European Union at the height of globalisation and the dominance of the so-called Washington Consensus policies. However, the global economic crisis of 2008 showed shortly afterwards that these policies had their limits. Read more in Klára Votavová's Policy Pepeu.

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Policy paper | Have we caught up with the West? - 20 years of convergence through the lens of wage levels

This year, the EU marks the anniversary of the biggest wave of enlargement in its history, when the Czech Republic joined the Union along with nine other Central and Eastern European countries. One of the main promises associated with enlargement was that the new Member States would catch up with Western Europe in terms of living standards. Read more in Silke Maes' policy paper.

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BalkanInsight | Far from Czexit but Czechs are Still Sceptics

This year the Czech Republic celebrates 20 years since joining the European Union. Czechs are very sceptical about the EU, despite the fact that about 70 percent acknowledge that the Czech Republic benefits from EU membership and would vote to remain. Sceptical perceptions of the Union could be changed by the country's new pro-European leadership. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office and deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this topic for BalkanInsight.

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BalkanInsight | Češi už nechtějí vystoupit z EU, euroskepticismus ale přetrvává

Česko letos slaví 20 let od vstupu do Evropské unie. Češi jsou k Evropské unii velmi skeptičtí a to i přesto, že zhruba 70 procent dotázaných uznává, že Česko profituje z členství v EU a hlasovalo by pro setrvání v bloku. Skeptické vnímání Unie by mohlo změnit nové proevropské vedení země. Pro BalkanInsight téma komentoval Žiga Faktor, vedoucí bruselské kanceláře a zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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TN.cz | The migration pact main topic in the Czech lower chamber, with meeting lasting hours

Czech MEPs debated the EU migration pact for over three hours. What came out of the session of the Chamber of Deputies on the migration pact? How do the government and the opposition feel about it? And what are the main issues that the Czech opposition have a problem with it? Deputy director of EUROPEUM Institute Viktor Daněk, commented for TN.cz

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