RTVS | The European Parliament strongly condemned Hungary

On Thursday, the European Parliament condemned the Hungarian government's deliberate, continuous and systematic efforts to undermine the fundamental values of the European Union. The resolution, which was supported by 345 MEPs, expresses deep concern at the further erosion of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary. What are the main reasons why the European Parliament has expressed its so far strongest reservations against Hungary? Žiga Faktor, director of our Brussels office and deputy director, commented on RTVS.

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E15 | Europe is terrified of Orbán at the head of EU institutions. It must speed up the selection of a new "EU president"

The first media storm around the European Parliament elections was unleashed by the head of the European Council, Charles Michel, when he unexpectedly announced last weekend that he was going to run for the European Parliament himself in June and, if successful, would resign early from his current post. However, this means that unless the EU27 quickly agrees on his successor, the powers of the "European president" will pass to EU troublemaker Viktor Orban, whose Hungary will hold the EU presidency from the summer. Our head of the Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for E15 on the likelihood of this happening and what it would mean for the functioning of the EU.

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E15 | Evropa se děsí Orbána v čele unijních institucí. Musí urychlit výběr nového „prezidenta EU“

První mediální smršť kolem voleb do Evropského parlamentu rozpoutal šéf Evropské rady Charles Michel, když minulý víkend nečekaně oznámil, že se chystá v červnu sám kandidovat do europarlamentu a v případě úspěchu se předčasně vzdá své současné funkce. To však znamená, že pokud se sedmadvacítka urychleně nedohodne na jeho nástupci, přejdou pravomoci „evropského prezidenta“ na unijního potížistu Viktora Orbána, jehož Maďarsko bude od léta předsedat EU. K tomu, jaká je pravděpodobnost, že se tak stane, a co by to pro fungování EU znamenalo, se pro deník E15 vyjádřil náš vedoucí bruselské kanceláře Žiga Faktor.

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INVITATION | Resilience of civil society and media In the Eastern Partnership: for Democracy and Inclusivness

We invite you to a debate on civil society and media resilience in the Eastern Partnership, that will take place on 15 June 2023 in Brussels. Whether you attend in person or online, you can look forward to discussions divided into two thematic panels and expert perspectives on the state of civil society in the Eastern Partnership countries of the European Union.

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POZVÁNKA | Resilience of civil society and media In the Eastern Partnership: for Democracy and Inclusivness

Zveme vás na debatu na téma odolnost občanské společnosti a médií ve Východním partnerství, která se bude konat 15. června 2023 v Bruselu. Ať už se zúčastníte prezenčně nebo online, můžete se těšit na diskuze odborníků rozdělené do dvou tematických panelů a jejich pohledy na stav občanské společnosti v zemích Východního partnerství Evropské unie.

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HOSPODA EVROPA | Swing by for a beer! Talking about Europe as you see it.

We cordially invite you to an informal debate from the "Hospoda Evropa" series. We will talk about Europe as you see it. The debate will take place in person in Mrač on Thursday 19th January, at 18:30.

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RTVS | The heads of Polish public media have been dismissed

The new Polish government is marked by significant changes. One of them is changes in personnel, not only in the state authorities, but also in the public media. On how the opposition and Polish society have reacted to this and what further effects it may have on Poland, our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented for RTVS.

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Právo | Merchant Orbán cashed in Brussels

The EU opens accession talks with Ukraine and Moldova, contrary to Hungary's wishes. Even so, Hungary did not come out of the negotiations deprived - the European Commission released to Hungary 250 billion crowns from the funds blocked so far. How much longer can Orban hold Ukraine hostage in his decision-making? Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on the topic for Právo.

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Libération | Serbia is not making sufficient efforts as a candidate country for EU accession

Although Serbia has been a candidate country for EU accession for eleven years, its efforts are at a standstill. Our researcher Jana Juzová commented on the situation for the French media outlet Libération. In her article, the media outlet also mentioned a policy paper on which Jana Juzová collaborated with Oszkar Roginer, our project manager and researcher.

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Analysis | Gradual Integration Process: Towards Restoring Effectiveness And Credibility Of EU Enlargement

Discussions on further changes to the enlargement methodology may reinforce the image of EU membership as a moving target with constantly changing rules, especially as the current methodology has still not been fully applied. Within the framework of the current methodology, the European Commission should develop a new strategy that would specify its approach to the gradual integration of (potential) candidates into the EU and the conditions governing this process. The 2018 Western Balkans Strategy set out initiatives, some of which are still valid today and can serve as the basis for a new enlargement strategy. Writes Jana Juzová, Senior Research Fellow.

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