REPORT: V4 Climate policies vis-à-vis updated climate targets

We present you with a report of a closed roundtable organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in cooperation with the Centre for Transport and Energy on 6 October, 2020.

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REPORT: Klimatické politiky V4 v souvislosti s novými klimatickými cíli

Představujeme vám report z uzavřeného kulatého stolu organizovaného Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s Centrem dopravy a energetiky dne 6. října 2020.

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Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF)

Transatlantic Policy Forum (TAPF) is a closed-door summit for decision-makers and opinion-formers co-organised by EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy with partners. TAPF has been held in Prague every Autumn since 2018 under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

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REPORT: A hard reset for EU-Africa relations? Visegrad perspectives for a post-pandemic era

An online panel discussion on EU-Africa relations from the perspective of the Visegrad countries in the context of the coronavirus pandemic took place on Tuesday 26th May 2020. The event was organized by the Think Visegrad platform consisting of think tanks from Central Europe. The debate was broadcasted live on the Facebook page of the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM.

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REPORT: Tvrdý restart pro vztahy EU a Afriky. Perspektiva států Visegradu na dobu post-pandemickou

V úterý 26. května 2020 se uskutečnila online panelová diskuse na téma vztahů Evropské unie a Afriky z perspektivy států Visegrádu v rámci koronavirové pandemie. Akci uspořádala platforma Think Visegrád sdružující think tanky ze střední Evropy. Debata byla vysílána živě na facebookové stránce Institutu pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM.

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Representation of the regions in the European Union: the V4 experience

Due to their close contact with citizens, regional and local authorities are usually the best informed on their needs. But is the voice of the regions and its citizens heard in Brussels? What options do the local governments have when pursuing their interests? And what is the situation like in V4 countries? Patrik Kováč answers these and many more questions in his policy paper as part of Think Visegrad Platform.

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Representation of the regions in the European Union: the V4 experience

Regionální a lokální autority jsou díky těsnému kontaktu s občany často nejlépe informování o jejich potřebách. Je hlas regionů a jejich občanů v Bruselu dostatečně slyšet? Jaké možnosti mají lokální autority při prosazování svých zájmů? A jaká je situace v zemích V4? Nejen na tyto otázky odpovídá ve svém policy paperu v rámci platformy Think Visegrad Patrik Kováč.

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The Economic Standard: V4 countries diverge on European defense initiatives, but still have a lot to offer

Our Gergely Varga wrote an article for the Economic Standard about the V4 Countries and their diverge on European defense initiatives

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The Economic Standard: Země V4 se liší v evropských obranných iniciativách, ale stále mají co nabídnout

Náš Gergely Varga napsal článek pro The Economic Standard o Zemích V4 a jejich lišících v evropských obranných iniciativách.

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Good practices and lessons learned from the Visegrad Four and Western Balkans

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in association with Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, European Movement in Serbia, WiseEuropa Institute and Academy of European Integration and Negotiation published final Policy Paper about good practices and lessons learned from the Visegrad Four and Western Balkans.

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tel.: +420 212 246 552