Nová CENS publikace: Policy Paper na regionální spolupráci v Centrální a Jiho-Východní Evropě

V nové publikaci CENS se naše Zuzana Stuchlíková zabývá konzervativní povahou V4, specificky pak Českou republikou. Také se zabývá potenciálem V4 jako konzervativní koalice.

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Otázky Václava Moravce: Rusko versus Západ

Naše Tereza Novotná komentovala ve včerejších Otázky Václava Moravce situaci v zemích střední Evropy, vzestup nacionalismu, odstředivé tendence v rámci EU a vztah EU a Ruska.

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The rise and role of regional cooperation in Central and South Eastern Europe

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková represented our institute at a conference held in Budapest and explained the driving factors of the Czech foreign policy.

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Vzestup regionální spolupráce ve střední a jihovýchodní Evropě

Zuzana Stuchlíková reprezentovala na konferenci v Budapešti náš institut a vysvětlovala aktuální zahraniční politiku ČR.

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NKNews: What the EU can do about North Korea?

In this podcast, Tereza Novotna discusses the upcoming summits and Europe's role in the potential denuclearisation talks.

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REPORT: PESCO: What role for the V4 in developing European Strategic Autonomy

The report from the conference ''PESCO: What role for the V4 in developing European Strategic Autonomy'', which took place on April 9, 2018 in Brussels, is now available.

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REPORT: PESCO: What role for the V4 in developing European Strategic Autonomy

Report z konference s názvem ''PESCO: What role for the V4 in developing European Strategic Autonomy'', která se uskutečnila 9. 4. 2018 v Bruselu, je nyní k dispozici.

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To dig or not to dig: three reasons why coal is the fuel of the past

Kateřina Davidová wrote a policy paper on the topic "To dig or not to dig: three reasons why coal is the fuel of the past", which will serve as a background material for the fourth debate from our project Prague Climate Talks. The event will take place on April 19th, 2018 at the European house.

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Visegrad Countries: How can Europe repair breaches of the rule of law?

Our Martin Michelot published a policy paper for the Institut Jacques Delors on the state of the rule of law in the Visegrad countries.

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Visegrad Countries: How can Europe repair breaches of the rule of law?

Martin Michelot sepsal pro Institut Jacques Delors policy paper o stavu právního státu v zemích V4.

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