TV Nova | Morawiecki's government in Poland will probably end. Donald Tusk should become the new prime minister

The post-election negotiations in Poland are continuing, and their development reflects the preferences and the course of action that most people expected. Viktor Daněk, deputy director of EUROPEUM, commented on the situation on TV Nova.

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E15 | Frost, rats and a gloomy mood. Ukrainians prepare for a hard winter on the battlefield

Danielle Piatkiewicz, Research Fellow at EUROPEUM, comments in a new article on the ongoing winter phase of the war in Ukraine.

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BLOG | Is the lack of state administration capacity preventing the effective use of the Fair Transformation Fund? A first insight into research on absorption

The Czech state administration is facing mistrust because of problems with civil servants and delays in social benefits. Researcher Klára Votavová examines how the administration deals with the distribution of the Fair Transition Fund, which is intended to help coal regions transition to a new economy. The CZK 42 billion goes to the Moravian-Silesian, Karlovy Vary and Ústí Regions.

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BLOG | Migration and climate at the forefront of the European elections in the Czech Republic. What does our research tell us about them?

Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic, migration and climate are the main topics. Parties are using them to shape voters' opinions and to criticise or support European policies. Klára Votavová writes.

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End-of-life management of the automotive industry and the opportunities for Czechia

After three successful projects focusing on the decarbonization of the Czech automotive industry, the Green Europe team of EUROPEUM in collaboration with the Institute of Circular Economy (INCIEN) is broadening its focus and taking a more circular approach. This project will focus on better lifecycle and end-of-life management of materials used in vehicles and batteries. The collaboration will be split into two research areas.

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Nakládání s vozidly s ukončenou životností v automobilovém průmyslu a příležitosti pro Česko

Po třech úspěšných projektech zaměřených na dekarbonizaci českého automobilového průmyslu rozšiřuje tým Green Europe EUROPEUM ve spolupráci s Institutem cirkulární ekonomiky (INCIEN) své zaměření na problematiku cirkulárního hospodářství. Tento projekt se zaměří na zlepšení životního cyklu a konce životnosti materiálů používaných ve vozidlech a bateriích. Spolupráce bude rozdělena do dvou výzkumných oblastí.

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ČRo Plus | EU foreign ministers to meet in Brussels. They will discuss Israel and Ukraine again

Israel will again be one of the main topics of the meeting of EU foreign ministers. However, they will also focus on accession negotiations with new countries, including Ukraine. The Director of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented on the Foreign Affairs Council meeting on ČRo Plus.

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ČT24 | EU ministers discuss changes to debt and budget rules

EU finance ministers in Brussels discuss a new reform of the fiscal policy and debt reduction rules. Our research fellow Vít Havelka presented the future changes to the legislation in an interview for ČT24.

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Respekt | It is absurd that states continue to subsidise fossil fuels and create a distorted market

In a podcast from the weekly magazine Respekt our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová evaluated the ongoing UN COP28 conference in Dubai and discussed the paradoxical subsidization of fossil fuels in the Czech Republic and the search for a socially just transition to renewable energies.

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ČRo Plus | European Parliament meeting on migration

European Member States and the European Parliament are discussing migration policy. What are the details of the negotiations and what will the final agreement look like? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, gave an overview of the issue.

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