ČRo Plus | Charles Michel to leave the European Council early. Personal ambition wins out

During his time as President of the European Council, Charles Michel has repeatedly surprised with his ability to negotiate almost impossible compromises. But he is not a strong and charismatic politician. Our deputy director Viktor Daněk commented on Michel's early departure from the EU leadership for ČRo Plus.

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Balkan Insight | Czechia: Close of 2023 a grim warning of difficult times ahead

Faced with multiple domestic and geopolitical challenges and a population vocally demanding change, Czechia’s unpopular government will urgently need to find new impetus if it is to stand a chance against resurgent right-wing populists. Our researcher Klára Votavová provided her expert commentary for Balkan Insight.

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Balkan Insight | Česko: Závěr roku 2023 je chmurným varováním, že nás čekají těžké časy

Tváří v tvář četným domácím a geopolitickým výzvám a občanům, kteří se hlasitě dožadují změny, bude muset nepopulární česká vláda naléhavě najít nové podněty, pokud má mít šanci čelit sílícím pravicovým populistům. Svůj odborný komentář pro Balkan Insight poskytla naše výzkumná pracovnice Klára Votavová.

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ČT24 | The fight over who will be the face of the European Union

In an interview for ČT24, Viktor Daněk explains the rivalry and complicated relationship between Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen.

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ČRo Plus | President of the European Council Charles Michel to stand for the European Parliament

Listen to an interview with Viktor Daňek, who comments on European Council President Charles Michel's decision to run for the European Parliament.

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BLOG | The pressure for decarbonisation in the Czech Republic is growing. How profitable is wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their blog about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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Euractiv | More wind, less coal. What are the benefits of wind energy for the Czech Republic?

Coal has been an important part of the Czech economy for decades. As a fossil fuel, however, it is a significant producer of greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Our Research Fellow Jonathan Lyons and Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová write in their commentary about the benefits of decarbonisation and switching to wind energy.

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ČRo Plus | Belgian Presidency

Belgium takes over the EU Presidency from the Spanish. What challenges does Belgium face in this role and how does it plan to achieve its objectives? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, explains.

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ČT24 | Amendment to the law on emission allowances would bring changes in Czech climate policy

The Czech government is currently discussing an amendment to the law on emission allowances, according to which 100% of the proceeds from emissions trading would be dedicated to climate action. The negotiations include deciding which ministry will administer these amounts. Our senior researcher Kateřina Davidová weighed in on the issue.

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