EU Climate Policy as a challenge for Central Europe

Budou státy V4 při vyjednávání o klimatických politikách dál postupovat společně, nebo pošle odlišné složené energetických mixů každý stát vlastním směrem? Jaké jsou důvody Polska pro jeho váhavé stanovisko ohledně uhlíkové neutrality v roce 2050? Na tyto a další otázky odpovídá Ryszarda Formuszewicz ve svém policy paperu v rámci platformy Think Visegrad.

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CT24: early UK elections

Our Vít Havelka was a guest of Monday afternoon Studio CT24. The subject of his commentary was early elections in the UK.

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INVITATION: EU ± // The implications of the British elections on Brexit

What other implications can UK elections have for the European Union? What is the process of the election campaign, what parties are running and what's their program? What results do experts expect? These and other questions will be answered by leading Czech experts in Great Britain on 11 December at the Prague Creative Center.

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POLICY PAPER: Slovak-Hungarian reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans

Nikolett Garai and Tomáš Strážay published Policy Paper about Slovak-Hungarian reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans.

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POLICY PAPER: Slovensko-Maďarské usmíření a lekce pro západní Balkán

Nikolett Garai a Tomáš Strážay publikovali Policy Paper o Slovensko-Maďarském usmíření a lekcích pro západní Balkán.

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Kosovo elections – moving towards better future?

The topic of the latest Eastern Monitor, prepared by our Jana Juzová, was October parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

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Kosovo elections – moving towards better future?

Tématem dalšího Eastern Monitoru, který tentokrát připravila naše Jana Juzová, byly říjnové parlamentní volby v Kosovu.

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When will actions follow rhetoric in climate policies?

Tuba Nilüfer Uğur se ve svém blogu věnuje slovům a činům v boji s klimatickou změnou.

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INVITATION: The new European Commission – What to expect?

Accept our sincere invitation to the public debate that we co-organize under the Prague European Summit titled ''The new European Commission – What to expect?''. The event will take place on October 9th at 3 PM in the European House.

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How Could the European Elections Reshape Central Europe’s Role in the EU?

Series of the Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade: four researchers give a short answer to the same questions concerning international politics and economics.

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