INVITATION: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

We would like to invite you to the third of six debates in the EU-PACIFIC Talks series. The debate will take place online on Wednesday 1 December at 18:00 and you can watch the online stream on our Facebook page.

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POZVÁNKA: EU-PACIFIC Talks: EU – Japan Strategic dialogue: climate change cooperation as a pathway to the future

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na třetí ze šesti debat v rámci cyklu EU-PACIFIC Talks. Debata se uskuteční online ve středu 1. prosince v 18:00 a sledovat ji můžete na našem Facebooku.

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KKI 4:1 series: Should the Western Balkans participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe?

Our researcher Jana Juzová contributed to another series of analyses of four experts answering a question from the field of international politics and economics. This publication examined whether the Western Balkans should participate in the Conference on the Future of Europe.

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REPORT: EU-Western Balkans Summit –The Morning After

Our Jana Juzová, Alexandra Ilková, and Ondřej Pešek collaborated on the report of EU-Western Balkans Summit and its consequences. The conference took place in Carolinum on November 5, 2021. The speakers discussed relations between the European Union and Western Balkans and ways how to get the EU enlargement agenda back on track from the state of a deep crisis.

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INVITATION: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

We would like to invite you to a conference titled "30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU". The debate will take place on Monday, 22nd of November 2021 starting from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The event will take place in Brussels and will be live-streamed online.

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POZVÁNKA: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na událost s názvem "30 let Visegrádu: Role zemí V4 ve formování budoucnosti EU". Událost se uskuteční online v pondělí 22. listopadu od 16:30–19:30. Událost se uskuteční v Bruselu a bude ji možné sledovat online prostřednictvím živého vysílání.

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INVITATION: "Norway and the Czech Republic – Challenges on the Way to Sustainability and Decarbonization"

We would like to invite you to the debate called "Norway and the Czech Republic – Challenges on the Way to Sustainability and Decarbonization" The debate will take place online on Thursday 11 November at 18:00.

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Final panel of the Youth Conference in Prague

We would like to invite you to watch live the final panel of the Youth Conference in Prague project, which will take place on Friday 5 November at 15:30.

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Policy Paper: New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4

In his policy paper "New START Treaty – State, future and implications for the EU and V4", written in cooperation with the Think Visegrad think tank, Juraj Sýkora, a Junior Researcher at SFPA, analyses the current state of nuclear arms control, the New START Treaty, what it contains and who it concerns. The policy paper also analyses the prospects until 2026, when the extension of the Treaty expires.

Zjistit více PDF Analysis: Less anti-EU rhetoric and distance from Orbán. The substance of foreign policy remains

Zdeněk Beranek, Director of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, commented for the news portal E15 on the future direction of Czech foreign policy towards the European Union. Beránek does not expect a significant change in attitude towards the EU and expects the anti-Brussels rhetoric to cease with the new government. On the other hand, relations with problematic EU members such as Poland and Hungary will weaken.

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