RTVS: Recep Tayyip Erdogan will remain president

Head of the Brussels office Žiga Faktor commented on the outcome of the presidential elections in Turkey on RTVS.

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CRo Plus: Voters will make a final decision about the Turkish president in 14 days

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is currently leading the election over opposition candidate Kemal Kiliçdaroglu. But the voters will decide on the Turkish president in 14 days. Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office of the EUROPEUM Institute for European Politics, commented on the course of the elections for Český Rozhlas Plus.

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ČTK: Petr Pavel's victory will improve the Czech Republic's position in the EU and NATO, but also relationship with the USA

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for ČTK on Saturday's victory of Petr Pavel in the presidential elections on the relationship with the EU and NATO. He mentioned that Pavel's accession could bring about a unification of the foreign policy of the government and the Foreign Ministry. He also suggested that the newly elected president would have better relations with the United States

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ČT24: The election result sends a signal about the pro-Western direction of the Czech Republic

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, appeared on Czech Television to comment on the reaction of Brussels to the results of the presidential elections. He also mentioned the role of the president in relation to the EU and NATO and how this relationship will change after two terms of Miloš Zeman.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

The upcoming presidential elections in the Czech Republic are also being noticed by foreign media. Our researcher Klára Votavová commented on the circumstances of the election for Foreign Policy, saying that Zeman's presidency has brought scepticism towards Europe. A victory of Andrej Babiš, she said, would then mean a strengthening of the presidential office.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

Blížících se prezidentských voleb v České republice si všímají také zahraniční média. Okolnosti voleb okomentovala pro Foreign Policy naše výzkumná pracovnice Klára Votavová, podle které Zemanovo prezidentství přineslo skepticismus vůči Evropě. Výhra Andreje Babiše by pak podle ní znamenala posílení prezidentského úřadu.

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RTVS: Slovenia will have a new president. What decided the victory of Natasha Pirc Musar?

Nataša Pirc Musar won Sunday's second round of the presidential election, receiving 54% of the votes. She defeated her rival, former Foreign Minister Andrej Logar. Musar will replace current president Borut Pahor, who has been unable to run for two terms. Our analyst Žiga Faktor, head of the Brussels office, also commented on the situation.

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ČRo: German reaction to the re-election of Emmanuel Macron - a clear pro-European signal

Our Associate Research Fellow, Tereza Novotná, was interviewed by Czech Radio about the French presidential election in which Emmanuel Macron was re-elected and France's position in the European Union.

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BLOG: French elections amidst the French Presidency – a reflection of the impact of the French Presidential campaign

Esteban Gas has written a blog about the French elections that took place during the French presidency. While Macron’s re-election at a glance enables another term of continuation of the existing French agenda in the Union, the tightening of the gap between the far-right and Macron will have to be acknowledged politically in the years to come and might affect the EU.

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E15.CZ: French presidential election: markets are terrified of Le Pen's victory. Businesses back Macron

Rose Hartwig-Peillon commented for E15.cz on the upcoming presidential elections in France. The candidate of the far-right National Front, Marine Le Pen, is closing in on leader Emmanuel Macron (Republic on the Move) in the polls, which has spooked investors there. Nevertheless, the current French president remains the favourite to win.

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