RTVS | The Future of the Visegrad Group

Differences on key issues between the leaders of the Visegrad Four countries are now being widely discussed in the context of the ongoing summit in Prague. How the relations between the countries will develop, whether we are heading towards the disintegration of the V4 or whether this is an eternal partnership of reason, was analysed by Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of the Brussels Office, for the RTVS podcast Z prvej ruky.

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RTVS | Summit of V4 Prime Ministers in Prague

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk met separately ahead of the Visegrad Group summit in Prague, where the main points of discussion were the war in Ukraine and energy security. Vít Havelka, an analyst at EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the position of the Hungarian or Slovak Prime Minister and the overall direction of the Visegrad Group for Slovakian television RTVS.

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ČT24 | V4 summit in Prague brought questions about the groups' necessity

The new Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk came to the Prague V4 summit asking whether the Visegrad group is still relevant. Cooperation on a high political level is complicated by the countries' different approaches towards the war in Ukraine. While the Czech Republic and Poland continue to support its interests with the same intensity, Slovakia and Hungary are reassessing them. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, talked about the importance of the summit and the relations between Poland and the Czech Republic for ČT24.

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INVITATION | Half-time of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility: What have we learned so far?

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Half-time of the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility: What have we learned so far?" that is organized as a part of the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Wednesday, 15th of November 2023, from 17:30 to 18:30 at the Prague University of Business and Economics.

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INVITATION | Urban Talk: Imaginaries of Revenge

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Imaginaries of Revenge", which will take place within the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Wednesday 15 November 2023 at 10:50 in the main building of the Faculty of Arts, room 301.

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POZVÁNKA | Urban Talk: Imaginaries of Revenge

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na debatu na téma "Imaginaries of Revenge", která se koná v rámci Prague European Summit. Debata se uskuteční ve středu 15. listopadu 2023 od 10:50 v hlavní budově Filozofické fakulty, místnost 301.

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INVITATION | Urban Talk: Female Empowerment

We would like to invite you to a debate on "Female Empowerment" that is organized as a part of the Prague European Summit. The debate will take place on Monday, 13th of November 2023, from 16:00 in Karolinum.

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POZVÁNKA | Urban Talk: Female Empowerment

Rádi bychom vás pozvali na debatu na téma " Female Empowerment", která se koná v rámci Prague European Summit. Debata se uskuteční v pondělí 13. listopadu 2023 od 16:00 v Karolinu.

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Hospodářské noviny | We are threatened by the influx of refugees and the loss of oil and gas. It is not in our interest to support everything Israel does

"Europe must stand behind Israel and support its right to exist. But that does not mean that it should take a completely unilateral position on the Gaza conflict. It would pay the price for that", says Luuk van Middelaar, a professor and one of the most respected commentators on events in the European Union, in an interview with Hospodářské noviny. Midelaar participated in the Prague European Summit organised, among others, by the EUROPEUM Institute.

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