Czech Radio | Series: Following the Czech footsteps in the EU

Performances of previous Czech presidents, the contribution of the Czech EU Commissioner Věra Jourová, roaming and reverse charge and the assessment of the Czech Republic as the country of EU Presidency. The topics of the Czech Radio series on Czech footsteps in the European Union were commented by Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute.

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Český rozhlas | Seriál: Po českých stopách v EU

Výstupy předchozích českých prezidentů, přínos české eurokomisařky Věry Jourové, roaming a reverse charge a hodnocení Česka jako předsednické země Evropské unie. Témata seriálu Českého rozhlasu o českých stopách v Evropské unii komentoval Viktor Daněk, zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM.

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ČRo Plus | Internal coalition battles for the Czech Commissioner

Who will take a seat in the European Commission for the Czech Republic? What portfolio should he/she focus on? And which government party has the right to nominate a new Commissioner? Viktor Daněk, deputy director of the EUROPEUM Institute, commented on the topic for Czech Radio Plus.

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Respekt | Evropské volby skončily. Česko čeká nominace eurokomisaře

Kdo se stane novým eurokomisařem nebo novou eurokomisařkou za Česko? A na jaká témata bychom se měli zaměřit? Podle zástupce ředitele Institutu EUROPEUM Viktora Daňka je nezbytné opustit představu o silném ekonomickém portfoliu v příští Evropské komisi. Namísto toho bychom se měli soustředit na získávání vlivu a respektu prostřednictvím jiných oblastí, komentoval pro týdeník Respekt.

Zjistit více | What do the results of the European elections indicate about the mood in Czech society?

How do the results of the European Parliament elections reflect the mood in society? Have predictions about the new composition of MEPs being predominantly right-wing been fulfilled? And what skills are essential for the success as a Member of the European Parliament? Viktor Daněk, Deputy Director of EUROPEUM Institute, comments in an interview for

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e15 | Summit in Switzerland will show the world that Ukraine wants peace. But it will not bring it

The luxury Alpine hotel Bürgenstock on the shores of Lake Lucerne in Switzerland will host the largest peace conference on Ukraine to date this coming weekend. Leaders and diplomats from nearly 90 countries will be there to seek ways to end the worst armed conflict in Europe since the Second World War. The ambitious event has been accompanied by criticism over the non-participation of Russia, China and US President Joe Biden. Even so, experts say the summit could be an important first step towards peace. Žiga Faktor, deputy director and head of the Brussels office of EUROPEUM Institute, describes the possibilities the conference will offer for e15 journal.

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ČTK | Lipavský: Pro budoucnost Evropy je klíčové, jak se vypořádá s ruskou agresí

Podle ministra zahraničí Jana Lipavského je klíčové pro budoucnost Evropy, jak se vypořádá s brutální agresí Ruska vůči Ukrajině a jeho stále agresivnějším postojem vůči Západu. Bude také nezbytné, aby Evropská unie v nadcházejícím období ambiciózně posílila svou roli jako globálního hráče, včetně rychlého jednání v oblasti rozvoje obranného průmyslu. Tyto kroky zdůraznil v projevu na Prague European Summit spolupořádaném Institutem EUROPEUM a Ústavem mezinárodních vztahů.

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TA3 | The new European Parliament will determine the direction of the EU

Žiga Faktor, Deputy Director and Head of EUROPEUM Brussels Office, commented on the interim results of the June European Parliament elections directly from Brussels.

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ČRo Plus | Far-right parties in the European Parliament

Surveys suggest that the far-right is gaining strength. Experts predict the possibility of a "Trump-like moment" in Europe. How significant is this risk for key EU players such as Germany, France, or Italy? Are there similar reasons for the rise in support for right-wing parties across Europe? These and other questions were answered by Vít Havelka, Senior Researcher at EUROPEUM Institute for Czech Radio.

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ČT24 | The position of the far right in the EU elections

Political analysts and pre-election polls predict a strengthening of the right or far right after the European Parliament elections in June. The success of the populists may be due to a change in priorities among younger voters. This group may feel overlooked and disadvantaged compared to older generations. Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of EUROPEUM Institute, commented on this issue.

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