Kauppalehti (FI): Jäsenmaiden ote EU:sta vahvistuu – Tulevan komission ohjelmasta päättävät jäsenmaiden johtajat

Our Zuzana Stuchlíková talked with the Finnish daily Kauppalehti about the future programme of the European Commission and the role of the member states.

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E15: Inspections of Polish meat may result in sanctions. Dispute is useless, analytics say

Our Vít Havelka talked with the economic daily E15 about the extraordinary inspections of Polish meat by the Czech authorities and a possible lawsuit against Czechia.

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Serbia on the EU path: A troublesome journey through uncharted territory

Our latest Eastern Monitor, authored by Marko Stojić, analyses the recently published Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkan candidates by the European Commission and explores the probability of 2025 in terms of Serbian accession.

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Café Evropa: The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?

The report and a video footage from the debate ''The European Union and China – what can this superpower offer and take?'' that took place on Wednesday, December 7, are now available.

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Café Evropa: Contest for the White House – what awaits us after the US presidential elections?

The report and a video footage from the debate ''Contest for the White House - what awaits us after the US presidential elections?'' that took place on Wednesday, October 26, are now available.

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ČRo: Návštěva Frederiky Mogheriniové v Praze

Vladimír Bartovic komentoval v pořadu Den podle... dosavadní činnost vysoké představitelky EU pro zahraniční věci a bezpečnostní politiku Federiky Mogheriniové.

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