POLICY PAPER | Gendering Europe’s Security and Recovery Responses to Ukraine

The policy paper, written by Míla O’Sullivan, illustrates that to centre the gender dimension and women’s voices in all aspects of Europe’s security and recovery responses to Ukraine are areas with the most serious gendered impacts and identifies the risks of gender-oblivious responses to Ukraine’s peaceful and sustainable future as well as to its European integration.

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National Convention on the EU | Recommendation: response to the US Inflation Reduction Act

Our Associate Research Fellow Tereza Novotná and our Senior Research Fellow Kateřina Davidová wrote recommendations arising from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 28 April 2023 on the topic "Reactions to the US Inflation Reduction Act".

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National Convention on the EU | Background paper: reaction to the US Inflation Reduction Act

Kateřina Davidová and Tereza Novotná prepared a background paper for the Round Table of the National Convention on the EU on Reactions to the US Inflation Reduction Act. Three main questions are put to the Roundtable: What impact can the IRA have on Transatlantic relations and free trade in general, and how should the EU try to actively shape these relations? How can the EU ensure the competitiveness and strengthen the productivity of its industry in the future and promote the development of EU produced green technologies? How will the changes affect the Czech Republic directly and how should the Czech Republic proceed within the EU to avoid being left behind in the "green race"? Which specific climate-neutral (net-zero) industrial sectors should the Czech Republic focus on?

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TA3: The results of the summit in Brussels

Our analyst Zuzana Stuchlíková commented on the results of the summit in Brussels for TA3. In the first part of the summit, European leaders addressed not only the issue of support for Ukraine but also topics such as the European response to the American Inflation Reduction Act or the issue of the stability of European banks.

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E15: The European Union strikes back at the US. EU unveils its own plans to boost the green economy

This week, the European Commission will present two important proposals to the public - the Critical Raw Materials Act and the Net-Zero Industry Act. Both regulations are a response to the US Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 and aim to make the European economy more competitive and prevent a mass exodus of companies and technological innovation to the United States, Kateřina Davidová, our senior researcher, contributed to this topic.

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Disinformation and foreign interference have been concerns in global politics for centuries, but social media algorithms have made the current threat more dire as they amplify content based on human frailties such as our obsession with negativity and outrage. Russian interference in the 2016 US federal election and other elections and referenda in at least twenty countries between November 2016 and April 2019, including the Brexit referendum, the French and German elections, and the Ukrainian power grid cyber-attacks, have highlighted the potential for foreign governments to alter the results of an election or undermine democracies using social media and other means. Writes Jakub Ferenčík in his last EU MONITOR.

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Dezinformace a zahraniční vměšování jsou v globální politice problémem již po staletí, ale současná hrozba je díky algoritmům sociálních médií ještě hrozivější, protože posilují obsah založený na lidských slabostech, jako je naše posedlost negativitou a rozhořčením. Ruské zásahy do federálních voleb v USA v roce 2016 a dalších voleb a referend v nejméně dvaceti zemích v období od listopadu 2016 do dubna 2019, včetně referenda o brexitu, francouzských a německých voleb a kybernetických útoků na ukrajinskou energetickou síť, poukázaly na potenciál zahraničních vlád změnit výsledky voleb nebo podkopat demokracie pomocí sociálních médií a dalších prostředků. Píše Jakub Ferenčík ve svém posledním EU MONITORu.

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Český rozhlas Plus: Couriers of the delivery company Wolt protested against the change of the pay system

This is the second time the delivery company's couriers have gone on strike since the beginning of the year. Our researcher Klára Votavová explained the reasons for the strike on Český Rozhlas Plus. The couriers are bothered by the drop in earnings and describe the remuneration system itself as non-transparent. The European Parliament is also concerned with increasing the protection of couriers and so-called platform workers in response to the emergence of a new market segment.

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INVITATION | New Challenges in the Implementation of the EU Climate Goals | Czech EUKI Community Conference

We would like to invite you to a Czech EUKI Community Conference. The public panel discussion of the conference will take place on 9th November 2022, 13:00 - 14:15 at the House of the European Union, Jungmannova 745/24, 110 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czechia.

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National Convention on the EU: Strategic Compass

Our Researcher Daniele Piatkiewicz and Office Manager Alexandra Ilková have produced a background paper for the roundtable of the National Convention on the EU, presenting the questions to be discussed: how will the implementation of the Strategic Compass contribute to shaping the EU's defence capabilities and how can the EU Strategic Compass and the NATO Strategic Concept make the EU a stronger and more capable guarantor of security? How will the Strategic Compass address current and emerging security threats within the strategic areas of competence? What can CZ PRES achieve in the implementation of the Strategic Compass?

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