CNN Prima News | Fiala in Israel: A symbol or a real benefit?

Czech prime minister Petr Fiala has visited Israel one day before the European Council summit. Our executive director Martin Vokálek spoke about what this visit means for the Czech republic but also for the European Union in an interview with CNN Prima News.

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Invitation | The European Union, the geopolitics of enlargement and the European Political Community

We would like to invite you to a debate entitled "The European Union, the Geopolitics of Enlargement and the European Political Community ", which will take place on Monday 12 June at the French Institute in Prague at 17:30.

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Seznam zprávy: Money or the planet? Green politics can do both

The dilemma between the green economy and living standards should not exist at all. But the notion of a " fair transition" would have to become a principle motivating policy at home and in the EU.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

The upcoming presidential elections in the Czech Republic are also being noticed by foreign media. Our researcher Klára Votavová commented on the circumstances of the election for Foreign Policy, saying that Zeman's presidency has brought scepticism towards Europe. A victory of Andrej Babiš, she said, would then mean a strengthening of the presidential office.

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Foreign Policy: A New Czech Presidential Election Promises a New Era in Politics

Blížících se prezidentských voleb v České republice si všímají také zahraniční média. Okolnosti voleb okomentovala pro Foreign Policy naše výzkumná pracovnice Klára Votavová, podle které Zemanovo prezidentství přineslo skepticismus vůči Evropě. Výhra Andreje Babiše by pak podle ní znamenala posílení prezidentského úřadu.

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BLOG | Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails

Tatiana Mindeková, our project manager and junior researcher, wrote a blog on the topic: Climate, Energy and the Green Deal in the Czech Chain Mails. What narratives are spread about the green politics of the EU in the Czech chain mails?

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CRo Plus: Mission of Reconciliation. Why are relations between France and Germany strained?

The originally scheduled regular meeting between the governments of France and Germany was eventually postponed. Could this be a signal of some major differences in relations between the countries? What are the causes of the contradictions? Are they more personal or political? What impact could it have if Paris and Berlin fail to agree on their position on China? Our senior research fellow Vít Havelka commented on the situation between the countries in the programme Odpolední Plus for Czech Radio Plus.

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Job offer: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy is looking for a Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme. For more information, including requirements, please see the attached PDF.

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Výběrové řízení: Research Fellow in Just Europe Programme

Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM hledá do svých řad výzkumného pracovníka / výzkumnou pracovnici pro náš program Just Europe. Více informací včetně požadavků naleznete v přiloženém PDF.

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INVITATION: A more sovereign European Union in the new geopolitical age? A first assessment after the French Presidency of the Council

We would like to invite you to a conference titled "A more sovereign European Union in the new geopolitical age? A first assessment after the French Presidency of the Council" on Tuesday 28 June at 11:00 CET online via ZOOM. The conference will be held in English. The event is organized by the Europeum Institute for European Policy, Austro-French Center, the Institut Montaigne, GLOBSEC, the French Embassy to Austria and the Austrian Society for European Politics.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552