Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region

We would like to invite you to the in person debate called "Navigating the Indo-Pacific: Dealing with Geopolitical and Security Shifts in the Region" which will be held at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, Staroměstké náměstí 4/1, Prague (Room "Minuta") on Friday, March 18 at 15:00.

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BLOG: Is the COVID-19 pandemic the coup de grace Hungarian democracy?

Intern Filip Sidó wrote a blog on "Is the COVID-19 pandemic a coup in Hungarian democracy?" in which he discusses the newly declared state of emergency in Hungary, which allows Prime Minister Orbán to rule through decrees that essentially give him unlimited power.

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BLOG: Is the COVID-19 pandemic the coup de grace Hungarian democracy?

Stážista Filip Sidó napsal blog na téma "Je pandemie COVID-19 převratem v maďarské demokracii?", ve které se zabývá nově vyhlášeným nouzovým stavem v Maďarsku, který premiérovi Orbánovi umožňuje vládnout pomocí dekretů, které mu v podstatě dávají neomezenou moc.

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INVITATION: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

We would like to invite you to a conference titled "30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU". The debate will take place on Monday, 22nd of November 2021 starting from 4:30pm to 7:30pm. The event will take place in Brussels and will be live-streamed online.

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POZVÁNKA: 30 Years of Visegrad: Role of the V4 countries in shaping the future of the EU

Rádi bychom Vás pozvali na událost s názvem "30 let Visegrádu: Role zemí V4 ve formování budoucnosti EU". Událost se uskuteční online v pondělí 22. listopadu od 16:30–19:30. Událost se uskuteční v Bruselu a bude ji možné sledovat online prostřednictvím živého vysílání.

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EU MONITOR: AUKUS to torpedo the EU-Australia FTA?

Tom Baker wrote the EU Monitor on the trilateral agreement between the US, UK and Australia. Following Australia's decision to join a new trilateral security pact with the United States and the United Kingdom, known as AUKUS, the EU-Australia free trade agreement is in danger of falling apart.

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Youth Conference in Prague

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, in cooperation with the European Parliament office in the Czech Republic, is organising the first Youth Conference in Prague for students at Czech middle schools and universities, which will be part of the activities of the conference on the Future of Europe. The conference aims to provide young people with a platform and opportunities to be part of the Europe-wide discussions on the future of Europe.

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Představují klimatické spory směr k účinnější a spravedlivější politice ve věci klimatických otázek?

Charlotte Bufano přispěla blogovým článkem, který se zaměřuje na téma klimatické změny ve vztahu k vládám a jejich politikám.

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E15: The EU is considering a rescue package without Poland and Hungary. The rebels would lose tens of billions of euros

Vladimír Bartovic commented for the E15 daily on the dispute over the European Union budget for the years 2021 to 2027, the adoption of which is blocked by Poland and Hungary.

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The Polls are in – unpacking the Polish Presidential elections

Danielle Piatkiewicz ve svém posledním blogu analyzuje výsledek polských prezidentských voleb a jeho potenciální regionální a globální dopad.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
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Praha 1 - Staré Město
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