POZVÁNKA | YouthEU: Challenging Euroscepticism Through Educating and Empowering Youth as European Citizens

Zveme vás na konferenci v rámci YouthEU, na téma: "Challenging Euroscepticism Through Educating and Empowering Youth as European Citizens". Konference se bude konat ve čtvrtek 23. března v 15:00 v Permanent Representation of Czechia to the EU v Bruselu.

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LA LIBRE: Reputedly Eurosceptic, the Czech Republic is trimming its European suit

Our research fellow Žiga Faktor commented for the Belgian daily La Libre on the topic of Czech Euroscepticism. The positive attitude of Václav Havel (the so-called great European) towards Europe was also reflected in the incoming Czech presidency, specifically in the motto "Europe as a task". The motto is inspired by his speech in Cácy in 1996. Despite a positive attitude in the past, according to the latest data from STEM, only 33 % of Czechs have a positive view of the Czech Republic's EU membership.

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BLOG: The stakes of the upcoming French elections

Rose Hartwig-Peillon writes in her blog about the upcoming French elections. How does the war in Ukraine affect the French presidential election, is Macron already the clear winner of the election or is it not a certainty? Is there a lack of a proper national debate in France?

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BLOG: The stakes of the upcoming French elections

Rose Hartwig-Peillon ve svém blogu píše o nadcházející francouzských volbách. Jak válka na Ukrajině ovlivňuje francouzské prezidentské volby, je už teď Macron jasným vítězem voleb nebo to nemá jisté? Chybí ve Francii řádná vnitrostátní diskuze?

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Debates from the EU± series

The EU± project - a platform for discussions on topics related to current EU issues in the eyes of the young generation – takes place since the beginning of 2018. In the next year, we continue with debates on topics such as Euroscepticism, Brexit, V4, Erasmus +, work abroad, the situation in the Western Balkans, migration, cybersecurity, the Czech Republic within the EU or fake news and misinformation.

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Euroscepticism among pro-European Italians: A Coronavirus Paradox

Our Francesca Canali analyzes in her latest blog COVID-19 situation in Italy and the question of the changing perception of the EU.

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Euroskepticismus mezi pro-evropskými Italy: koronavirový paradox

Naše Francesca Canali se ve svém nejnovějším blogu věnuje tematice měnící se percepce EU v rámci koronavirové krize v jedné z nejpostiženějších zemí - Itálii.

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Europeum and COVID-19

Explore our publications, events and other activities concerning the pandemic and its consequences.

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Europeum a COVID-19

Prohlédněte si naše publikace, akce a další aktivity související s koronavirovou pandemií a jejími důsledky.

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INVITATION: 30 Years of Freedom: What Future for Think-Tanks?

Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM cordially invites you to the discussion called "30 Years of Freedom: What Future for Think-Tanks?" which takes place on Thursday, January 30 2020 in Prague Creative Center.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552
email: europeum@europeum.org