BLOG | Slovakia’s Foreign Policy after the 2023 parliamentary elections

On September 30th, the long-awaited parliamentary elections held place in Slovakia drawing particularly strong global attention due to their perceived impact on the nation's democratic trajectory and their significance for the unity of the European Union. As a result, Robert Fico, leader of the opposition Smer-SD party, and a former Prime minister in three governments, emerged victorious once again, while his populist, aggressive, and anti-West rhetoric sparked further concerns among the EU leaders. Writes Simona Štibraná.

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BLOG | Zahraniční politika Slovenska po parlamentních volbách v roce 2023

30. září se na Slovensku konaly dlouho očekávané parlamentní volby, které přitahovaly mimořádnou pozornost celého světa, protože měly vliv na demokratickou trajektorii země a měly význam pro jednotu Evropské unie. Výsledkem bylo opětovné vítězství Roberta Fica, předsedy opoziční strany Smer-SD a bývalého premiéra tří vlád, přičemž jeho populistická, agresivní a protizápadní rétorika vyvolala další obavy vedoucích představitelů EU. Píše Simona Štibraná.

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EURACTIV | The road to the EU does not end with the summit. What now awaits the aspiring countries?

Several countries from Eastern Europe have opened the way to the Union. During the last summit of the year, EU leaders agreed to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova and conditionally with Bosnia and Herzegovina, while Georgia was granted candidate status. What concrete steps are now in store for these countries? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on this topic.

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RTVS | EU leaders summit decides to open accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

Viktor Orbán leaves the room before the vote on the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, showing his position but not blocking the move. How did the other heads of state convince him? What can we expect from the Hungarian Prime Minister in the future? Martin Vokálek, Executive Director of the EUROPEUM Institute, answered these questions for Slovak RTVS.

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CNN Prima News | Orbána obměkčilo odblokování evropských dotací. Přístupové rozhovory s novými státy nakonec nevetoval

Maďarský lídr vyměnil své svolení s přístupovými rozhovory s Ukrajinou, Moldavskem za evropské peníze. Alespoň tak to vypadá vzhledem k tomu, že ještě před Summitem lídrů EU avizoval, že bude tento krok vetovat. Náš zástupce ředitele Viktor Daněk promluvil o pozici Maďarska v rozhovoru pro CNN Prima News.

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E15 | Summit in Brussels will show if Orbán is Putin's Trojan horse in the EU

Viktor Orbán is the only EU leader who has stated in advance that he does not intend to support the opening of accession negotiations with Ukraine. The question is what his motivations are and whether he will be softened by the unblocking of EU funding for Hungary. Our senior researcher Jana Juzová commented on Orbán's position at the Summit for the daily E15.

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ČT24 | Ukraine as the main topic of the ongoing EU summit

Ukraine is a central topic on the agenda of the ongoing EU summit in Brussels, both in terms of the beginning of accession talks and the provision of further financial aid to Ukraine. Does this agenda stand a chance of being approved? And what happens if Hungary decides to block the negotiations? Our senior researcher Jana Juzová spoke about the topic in an interview with ČT24.

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TV Nova | The most important EU summit of this year starts in Brussels

Long-term financial aid to Ukraine and the start of accession talks on its membership in the Union will be the main topics of the EU summit in Brussels. The situation in the Middle East is also to be addressed. Our deputy director and head of the Brussels office Žiga Faktor commented on the issue for the TN Nova.

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BLOG | The EU is running out of time to protect European workers from a turbo Svarc system

As the final phase of negotiations between the European Parliament and the Member States on the EU Platform Work Directive approaches, the fate of millions of workers hangs in the balance. Time is running out to protect Czech and EU workers from the Turbo Shvarc system. Read the full article by Silke Maes Junior Research Fellow at EUROPEUM Institute.

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BLOG | EU se krátí čas na ochranu evropských pracovníků před turbo systémem Švarc

Blíží se závěrečná fáze jednání mezi Evropským parlamentem a členskými státy o směrnici o práci na platformě v Evropské unii a osud milionů pracovníků visí na vlásku. Čas na ochranu českých a unijních pracovníků před systémem Turbo Švarc se krátí. Přečtěte si celý článek od Silke Maes juniorní výzkumné pracovnice Institutu EUROPEUM.

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