Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe

Náš partner Center for European Neighborhood Studies vydal novou publikaci s názvem "Frontiers of Democracy: Embedding Democratic Values in Central and Eastern Europe. Good practices and limits of transferability".

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REPORT: Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

The report from our launching event of the 2016 Go To Think Tank Index, held on 26th January 2017 on how think tanks in the Czech Republic and beyond are still able today to fulfill their functions of informing policy debates, is now available.

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REPORT: Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world

Ve čtvrtek 26. ledna se ku příležitosti zahájení Go To Think Tank Indexu 2016 uskutečnila veřejná diskuze pod názvem "Why are think tanks more important now than ever before: think tanks in a post-factual world", ze které je nyní dostupný report (v anglickém jazyce).

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Denník N: Germans and Brits set the alarm bells ringing - Russia seeks to shake our democracy

Our Deputy Director Martin Michelot spoke to Slovak Denník N about the Russian influence in the EU countries growing stronger.

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Newsletter DEMAS 4/2016

Take a look at what’s new in the field of non-profit organizations gathered under DEMAS association.

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INVITATION: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

In cooperation with Centre for European Policy Studies and European Policy Institutes Network we organise on December 9 an international conference in the framework of the Think Visegrad in Brussels project.

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POZVÁNKA: Security in Europe from a Visegrád viewpoint: strengthening fundamentals, but rethinking perspectives?

Ve spolupráci s Centre for European Policy Studies a European Policy Institutes Network pořádáme 9. prosince 2016 mezinárodní konferenci v rámci projektu Think Visegrad in Brussels.

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What did Dutch voters really vote against?

Pierre Grangé's blog on the results of the Dutch referendum on the Approval Act of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

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V4+ Security – Strengthening the Eastern Frontier of the V4

Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID) think tank, based in Budapest, in collaboration with EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy organised a workshop held in Prague on the topic of V4+ Ukraine and Moldova cooperation.

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V4+ Security – Strengthening the Eastern Frontier of the V4

Think tank Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID), sídlící v Budapešti, uspořádal ve spolupráci s Institutem pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM v Praze workshop na téma spolupráce zemí V4 s Ukrajinou a Moldavskem.

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Institut pro evropskou politiku EUROPEUM
Staroměstské náměstí 4/1
Praha 1 - Staré Město
110 00

tel.: +420 212 246 552