INVITATION: A New Deal for Emerging Technologies

We would like to cordially invite you to a working breakfast titled: ''A New Deal for Emerging Technologies: Where will the money come from in the new MFF?''

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POZVÁNKA: A New Deal for Emerging Technologies

S radostí Vás zveme na pracovní snídani s názvem ''A New Deal for Emerging Technologies: Where will the money come from in the new MFF?''

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Clingendael Spectator: EU-China Investments: Solving the 16+1 Equation

Our Alexandr Lagazzi authored the third part of a Clingendael Spectator Series on the EU, reflecting upon the issue of EU-China relations and the role of the 16+1 framework for Chinese investments.

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Clingendael Spectator: EU-China Investments: Solving the 16+1 Equation

Náš Alexandr Lagazzi sepsal třetí část série publikované na Clingendael Spectator o EU, která se zaměřuje na vztahy Unie a Číny. Ve svém článku se zaměřuje na spolupráci v rámci 16+1 a problematiku čínských investic.

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Can the V4’s Priorities shape “Europe’s Priorities”?

Almadi Sejla, as part of the project Think Visegrad, published a policy brief on the role of V4 within EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework 2021 - 2027 priorities.

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Can the V4’s Priorities shape “Europe’s Priorities”?

Almadi Sejla publikovala v rámci projektu Think Visegrad policy brief o roli V4 v rámci unijních priorit týkajících se víceletého finančního rámce.

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INVITATION: Living in Different Worlds? How to Bridge the Divide Between Generations

We would like to cordially invite you to the panel discussion titled ''Living in Different Worlds? How to Bridge the Divide Between Generations''. The event will take place in Prague on the 10th of October.

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Commentary: State of the Union Address 2018

Vladimír Bartovic, Martin Michelot, Zuzana Stuchlíková, Christian Kvorning Lassen, Vít Havelka, Jana Juzová, Alexandr Lagazzi and Kateřina Davidová react to Juncker's State of the Union Address 2018 from the perspective of the future of the EU and the Czech Republic's role in it.

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Warsaw Security Forum: NEW SECURITY LEADERS 2018

The New Security Leaders is a leadership and mentoring program for mid-career, high potential leaders from foreign policy, defence and security fields.

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Warsaw Security Forum: NEW SECURITY LEADERS 2018

V rámci Warsaw Security Forum mají mladí profesionálové šanci zúčastnit se programu, který jim umožní spolupracovat s profesionály v oboru a podílet se na programu konference.

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