ČRo Plus: The elections in Serbia are won by President Aleksandar Vučić and his Serbian Progressive Party. How fair were the elections?

Our research fellow Jana Juzová spoke on Czech Radio Plus about the elections in Serbia, which did not go according to all standards. Various electoral fraud and voter intimidation occurred during the elections. An important factor in the Serbian elections was the situation that preceded it. It was also discussed what the victory of Aleksandar Vučić and his party would mean for the future of the country.

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E15.cz: Orbán emptied the state coffers before the elections. Next government will have to cut back

Réka Sulyok from the Institute for European Policy EUROPEUM described for news server E15.cz the current political developments in Hungary in the context of the upcoming parliamentary elections. The article discusses in more detail the position Hungary could potentially find itself in after the re-election of the current prime minister Viktor Orbán or, on the contrary, the consequences of a possible victory of the opposition candidate Péter Márki-Zay.

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Balkan Insight: Czechia in 2022: Gathering Forces

The director of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, comments for Balkan Insight on the new government's stance on vaccination and the upcoming presidential elections in 2023. The article focuses on the current political situation in the Czech Republic and the challenges it will face in 2022.

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iRozhlas: Scholz's cabinet is an experiment seeking a new beginning. It wants modernisation and a tougher approach towards Russia and China

Our researcher Kateřina Davidová is featured in an article by iRozhlas.cz, which focuses on what the new German government headed by Social Democrat Olaf Scholz promises to do when he replaces outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday after 16 years. What to expect from the new government in Berlin?

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SWP: Between change and continuity: European expectations towards Czech and German EU policies after the 2021 elections

For the German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Žiga Faktor, Director of our Brussels office, and Zuzana Stuchlíková, Research Associate at EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy, co-authored an article on the European expectations of the Czech and German governments' European policy.

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Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021

Our researchers Vít Havelka, Kateřina Davidová and Danielle Piatkiewicz wrote a paper titled Review of the Czech EU Policy in 2020/2021.

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RECOMMENDATION: National Convention on the EU: Programme of the Presidency Trio France - Czech Republic - Sweden

We bring you a summary and recommendations resulting from the roundtable discussion of the National Convention on the EU held on 1 October 2021. The recommendations were prepared by Zuzana Kasáková.

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INVITATION: EU± // Is the V4 the most important Czech ally in the EU?

We invite you to the EU± debate, this time on whether the V4 is the most important ally of the Czech Republic. The debate is organised with the support of the Jean Monnet Chair TeDEUSS - Teaching and debating EU small states' security at FSV UK and co-funded by the European Union's Europe for Citizens programme.

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Aktuálně.cz: How will the future government approach the V4? Petr Fiala will be under pressure from several sides

The head of our Brussels office, Žiga Faktor, commented for Aktuálně.cz on the future attitude of the newly formed coalition towards the Visegrad Four.

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INVITATION: The Czech Republic's position in the EU after the elections - what direction will it take?

A new government will lead the Czech Republic after the recent elections. It will have to face domestic challenges such as high inflation and rapidly growing national debt, the transition to a low-carbon economy and the issue of affordable housing. At the same time, however, the Czech government will also face many important issues with European implications. The future direction of the Czech Republic within the EU will be another topic of Café Evropa debates.

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